The ride in the air was a bit strange for everyone once it was put into perspective. Nobody a week ago would've expected to be in the Mexican airspace ready to invade a compound, having a Fast and Furious style revenge story. Not that wasn't due to come, anyway. It was just a part of an average day for most of these people. Namely, Athena and Mark. The two people who actually dealt with criminals every day. Might not have been the same methods, but they weren't going to fight each other for their lines of work today. Right now the focus was on getting revenge for a fallen member of their family. Soon enough, they had arrived at their dropzone. Ellie had finished gearing up and was ready to wingsuit her way into some recon. Not a bad way to go about it, if she thought so herself. Athena was in charge of closing the door after them, after keeping her brother-in-law from doing so. She really didn't him flying out. Pulling the door open, Athena looked toward Ellie and Mark, who looked ready to jump out of the airplane. The idyllic look on Ellie inspired confidence in the group of people who were needing some semblance of stability in this crazy plan. Ellie knew what she needed to do and how she needed to do it. Athena gave a thumbs up to Ellie and Mark, before Ellie and probably Mark did the same as well. Nodding, Ellie then put her goggles on and slowly tipped out of the airplane. She let herself get oriented before she deployed her wingsuit. The air collected underneath the flaps and soon she was floating her way down toward the compound. Hopefully nobody could see her at this height. They needed to be quick and fast. Like a lightning bolt. In and out before you could even blink. Only problem was that Ellie didn't know where to go. Mark did, so she had to slow down and let him take point to sniff out the perfect place to insert. [hr] In the meantime, Athena and Ross were due to land very soon. Athena was given directions to the compound, where they would be the other part of the two-headed assault. Feeling the plane descend, it was almost go time. At least, to get to their rally point so that they could initiate the assault. On the way down, Athena checked her pistol. There was one in the chamber as well as a full magazine. Perfect. Watching the ground get closer and closer, eventually they had touched down and it was go-time. Time to find a means of transport. Of course, Mark's original idea of having dirt bikes wasn't exactly very smart considering how much cargo they had. Once it was time to grab their bags, she slapped Ross's hand away as he was going to reach for his. Not in her house. Nope. She carried all of those bags as she stepped out into the rather warm and humid Mexican air. Now the problem was finding an SUV. An SUV would've been more inconspicuous. Eyeing a stray Jeep nearby, Athena beckoned. "C'mon, I've got an idea." The police officer mentioned, before walking over to the empty vehicle. It was Mexico. Not like anyone was going to miss this vehicle anyway. Walking over to it, Athena did a quick inspection of it. It looked clean, and it was the variant where the roof was off, so she just hurled the bags into the back and climbed into the front seat. Was what she did really illegal? Yeah. But, in a land like this, sometimes the rules just had to be broken. Athena then snaked down underneath the dashboard to hotwire the car. Considering she was a Rossi, it wasn't too surprising that she knew how to do this. The Jeep roared to life, and Athena quickly put it into first and set off. The people inside still didn't know that their beloved Jeep was gone. Wonderful. On the way, Athena typed in the coordinates on a GPS of sorts that was also inside the vehicle. More and more conveniences. Nice. It was going to be quite a drive, but it was better than being on bikes the whole damn time. "This plan better fucking work. I don't know about you, but the only thing I want to do in Mexico is enjoy myself... not shoot up a drug cartel."