[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5hMWM5ZWQuUVhsaElBLCwuMAAA/prestige-signature-script-demo.regular.png[/img][/centre] [hr] Aya sat in the first booth, slowly sipping from some kind of tropical fruit drink. She was one of those people to turn up really early. She seemed fairly chilled out at the moment, thinking over all the different things that could happen on this job, she knew for sure somebody was going to get hurt, in fact she'd brought some extra supplies for this job just in case. Her quiet pondering was interrupted by the fun (but very annoying) Kyouran bursting into the bar. Aya grumbled to herself, knowing the sound of shattering glass was coming as Kyouran grabbed herself a drink. She winced at the sound of breaking glass, the harsh sound ringing in her ears. She let out an irritated sigh as she went to another sip or her drink. Then again the doors were assaulted, being thrown open by Karuma. [color=00aeef]"Do you apes not know how to use a door!?"[/color] She'd yell, looking over her shoulder. She wasn't expecting an answer, but she wanted them to know they'd annoyed her. She Clicked her tongue and went back to her drink, gazing down into her medical equipment, making sure everything was where it needed to be. She'd nod once she found that everything was in place she placed her near empty glass on the table and went back to her silent pondering. This was going to be a huge job, and she wanted to have herself fully prepared for it, mentally and physically.