[color=00aeef][b]Rick - Selina[/b][/color] Rick stood outside the town’s bar, small looking place, just like the town. He got off Civil, and the horse went about to wander around town. Rick had nothing to worry about; the horse knew how to protect itself, last bandit that tried to steal it, ended with kick to the head that nearly killed him. Besides, Civil hated being tied up and tended to get itself loose. Rick walked into the bar and sat himself down on a table overlooking the entrance and window that looked outside. He leaned back on the chair, and put his boots up on the table. A waitress came along, older woman, looked annoyed at him. Probably didn’t appreciate him putting up his feet on the table. He looked at her, and handed her some coins, “Bottle of bourbon and a cigar.” He waited for her as she returned and handed him a bottle, a glass and a cigar. She poured him his first drink, and after lighting his cigars and giving it a few puffs, he leaned further back and tilted his hat down, covering his eyes. He just sat there smoking and drinking as the town went about it business. He listened as people talked. Nothing interesting, just your usual small town chatter; how crops were growing, cattle prices, who was shagging the local school teacher, nothing of interest to him. He was nodding off, when there was some commotion outside. It made him wondered if someone tried to steal Civil, and had been knocked out cold. He tilted his hat slightly up, and could see some wagon pulling up, with a dead cougar on top. Rick just smirked, and tilted his hat back down, and poured himself another cup.