Gloopra lead Kale and Anari inside of the base. They walked through the corridors where medics and cleanup crews were working. They finally made it back to the office where Vrerr was. She stood as they walked in. "Gloopra, Master Kale and Anari." She smiled. "I am glad you are all unharmed." She sighed in relief. "I imagine we will need to talk about the killing you did on that mission?" Gloopra shook his head. "No, graver circumstances." He looked at Kale and Anari. "I trust Senator Vrerr to keep this to herself. I won't beat about the bush, I believe that there is a Sith on this planet. We had him cornered when... He escaped." He sighed, he was going to respect Lahana's decision to tell Kale the details of her errors herself. "I am not sure if he was truly Sith, but the dark side of the force surrounded and penetrated him. Our mission here has just become more serious than we thought." He said. "He identified himself as "Blank" and said that his "Boss" wanted a report on our abilities... The implications of this are... Disturbing to say the least. If we have a Sith and a master, then they might be trying to start a full-blown coven." He looked around. "Maybe i'm overreacting, maybe i'm not overreacting enough. I don't know which, but what I do know is that the sooner we find this "Blank" and his master, the easier this opperation will become." Vrerr sat down on the sofa an pressed her palms into her face. "Force dammit... This is sounding just like last time..." She moaned. "When the Sith came to my world last time, there was 2 of them. They took over the local crime syndicates and slowly took over. If this is along the same lines, then it may already be too late to avoid an all-out war..."