Rachel asked which street you were on as the students lived all over the city. When you named it she agreed to take you there. "It's not too far off for me." She said as she started walking south. "I work at a theatre." She then answered the first question, pulling a folder out of her purse. "I was on my way over there when I ran into you. "Here." The playbill showed a staged forest and several people dressed up in flimsy dresses and unrealistic clothing from another age. But there were also fairies on the pamphlet -real fairies, not actors playing them. With green sparkling text the pamphlet read 'A SUMMER'S MIDNIGHT DREAM' Below that it said in smaller, slightly pulsating letters 'Now playing at The Bazaar' the address and times were listed on the back of the playbill. "What we're playing now is basically A Midsummer Night's Dream, but then the fairy version, not tge human Shakespeare one. It's quite funny, it mocks the human version a little. Any magical creature can buy a ticket, so long as they vow not to fight, maim or kill inside the theatre."