He listened to the instructions and began thinking about the next day. He was only mildly concerned about the seed and what would be guarding it. It would seem imperative to at least, him that destroying this seed should be done before leaving town. It would be the right thing to do as well as making their exit easier with the ensuing chaos. He looked at the group once more. He wondered about how well the group would work together. He wouldn't mind having traveling companions. However, he felt like the odd man out since he's just a very unkempt traveller and they all look like proper towndwellers being all cleaned and we'll dressed. He wondered how many of them would tolerate being outdoors for stretches of time. Since it would probably be for the best to stay clear of Sightless claimed settlements while they're doing whatever they needed to do. "Gin, what's this seed look like, and do we hit it until it's destroyed?" He asked unclear on what seed is. He thought it could go both ways as either a thing somewhere or a being.