[quote=@Inkarnate] I prefer statless, but I can try to work with an attribute diamond assuming it is balanced and I can utilize it with the character I've envisioned. [/quote] It's not make or break for me. I'd mainly like to have something to look at in the event of player-fighting. I have a long history of players arguing over who's fictional character is stronger haha. I'm willing to drop the idea all together if the majority feels the same. [quote=@Raddum] Theeeere we go. I've had a panicky little scrub in mind for a long time, and I've never had a RP to put him in. I'll begin working on a CS. [/quote] If it helps for your character, I'll have the Deku living in a more tropical/swampy jungle, similar to the way Faron is displayed in Breath of the Wild with a society like the Deku Kingdom in Majora's Mask. On that note, I'll post important locations/societies in the OOC thread in the coming days for everyone to look at when working on their characters.