Marilyn bounced at Daelin's words, and turned towards him slightly. She hesitated as he went on about the dangers of their path, keeping true to the road they were meant to follow. Before she could verbally object to his suggestion, entirely due to [i]panic,[/i] he asked her something about her proficiency with the Venbu. "The reigns? Um, the reigns... I taught myself while training under [b]Major Juliana[/b] with the Chauncy-" Marilyn stopped herself and struggled for a moment to keep the Venbu in check. "Sorry, 'Chauncy' might not be- Ehm, well it's like..." She continued to stumble over her words for a moment before regaining any semblance of clear thought. "The Venbu we kept around our training area. He was kind of like a mascot... Oh, I'm sorry-" With one finger, Marilyn pointed at the road that Daelin advised her to avoid, "That's our appointed route, wouldn't it be safer to follow instruction? I mean..." She couldn't quite find the mettle to tell him outright. She didn't want to change their path at all. Noru found himself locked into conversation with another of his teammates. It was Flin, the one he'd had the least respect for thus far. This man had demonstrated a combination of problematic traits, ranging from carelessness, to impulsive ideas. Even if he assured Zay otherwise, Flin seemed like the type to jump in front of a Titanic beast with little rhyme or reason. "I've been party to several ruin discoveries, and excavations. Most of my previous Caravans were involved in just that. If I were to claim a specialty, it would be in excavation. But excavations are not exactly a daily occurrence." Noru stopped himself before getting into the details of his occupation. It was true that locating ruins in Thoris, especially after a millennia of discoveries, was not very common. But Noru wasn't about to go on a tirade about that now. He paused and thought to himself carefully for a moment, trying to remember the most interesting ruin he'd helped uncover. "I found it most interesting when we'd located an old shrine to Maeti. That's what the Paladin's concluded, anyways. Inside of it, there were human corpses and an artifact that rests in the Ivory pillar as we speak. I can't say much else, but it was an... Experience." He looked at Flin for a moment before following up. "I don't suppose you've seen much. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you seem relatively inexperienced."