[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/316071861521874946/377989214773706772/coollogo_com-278371558.png[/img][/center] [center][i][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYGKxxTXqSs]"If I could buy forever at a price, I would buy it twice."[/url][/sub][/i][/center] [hr] [b]Time: Afternoon - Day of the Satellite Attack Location: Paris, France[/b] The darkness of a stretching afternoon sunlight glowed over the statues of [i]Sculpture garden of Musée Rodin[/i]. The Ambassador was called to the gardens to meet with one of the quieter creatures of Paris. Animals of various species found their homes in the ponds - toads most predominantly. Quite naturally they were all once human themselves, retaining some of their intelligence to avoid growing into pests. They watched from the water with the very same globulous eyes, silently pleading for help. The Ambassador had no control over the Fairy Lioness, simply gave her a quiet tourist destination. Luring the odd hapless human who may have disrespected the gardens, they now lived out their punishment and shortened lives as toads. If they lived out their lives they were among the lucky, the Lioness loved to save them for meals. Of course, Bach followed at her side. Astutely eyes front and not paying much attention to the statues around them. His presence the least offensive but still so strongly associated with his mortal companion he was expected to show the same respect. She walked with purpose today to see the very same spirit. Her long white romantic tutu style dress moved with her, a black heart shaped top with a large floppy yellow hat sat upon her head. A beautiful raw piece of amber hung at her neck on a gold necklace. She scanned along the statues knowing where the Lioness loved to hide. As she moved past a shadow imitating one of Rodin’s statues moved from the pose and followed The Ambassador. She continued to walk finding her way down a rather unbeaten path, where grass grew more wild and she was barely within sight of the museum itself. Finally then did the Lioness reveal herself. Her shadow gathered before the Ambassador, her head came first rising from the long shadow casted by The Ambassador, she towered above the likes of Odette. She was well over seven feet tall, draped in the skin of a lion. It’s jaw hung past the woman’s face casting it in shadow, her chin was dirty with bits of meat and dried blood. She neither smiled nor snarled. Her eyes averted, her hands clutched at the pelt covering herself shyly to remain somewhat modest. Native to France and among the wild spirits that did not approve of such meetings. She was rather happy to be left alone. Another family, light eating Sylphs wished for her presence down in the catacombs to hunt, they needed the glassy lenses of the rats, but they did not feel comfortable entering her den even as requests of favour. The Sylphs liked playing with fractions of light, manipulating it through the lense of an animal’s eyeball or if they were lucky, a human’s. Unfortunately for them they weren’t proficient hunters. Odette didn’t inquire further but they asked for her to go on their behalf in exchange for a Soul Cleanse. A valuable little gift to lift veils, curses and hexes placed on the soul. Odette considered it would be useful in her work waiting with the White Witch. It sat as the crowning pearl on a circlet made of bones. Macabre as it could be. The Fairy Lioness kept her eyes averted but was well aware of where The Ambassador’s attention was. One of the few faeries that did not pay favour to her for staying in Paris. She knew of The Ambassador’s protections, whispers told her of a mighty golem nowhere to be seen. The Lioness shifted on her feet, gripping her pelt. “[color=thistle][i]Mighty Lioness. I am here on behalf of the Catacomb Sylphs. They seek out your help in hunting for animal eyeballs. They are willing to meet in the [/i]Notre Dame’s[i] bell tower to discuss terms. Neutral ground.[/i][/color]” The Ambassador began in Common Fey, staying still and not taking her eyes away from the Fairy Lioness. “[color=thistle][i]I am simply a messenger.[/i][/color]” “[i]Messenger, they did not have the courage to see me Ambassador? They send our Mistress. We have only met this once.[/i]” She shifted a bit closer closing the gap of personal space, Odette could smell the foul sour odor of her body. She appeared human but the way she walked was too strange. She spoke quickly, quietly, with no accent. “[i]You smell strange, perfumed and soft. They do not have a daughter to feed me instead?[/i]” Odette shook her head, “[color=thistle][i]Whatever terms they have to offer they did not inform me. They simply hoped the chance of a hunt would be incentive to meet with them.[/i][/color]” The Lioness considered that, shifting again. “[i]What- what do you have to offer me for my time? I have plenty to hunt here. I see no reason to trust the word of a soft, clean human. I would as easily eat you.[/i]” “[color=thistle][i]If you are hungry then that is all you needed to say.[/i][/color]” She knew what she had to do to get the Lioness to comply. Odette stepped away from the Lioness, going to the pond just beyond where they were speaking. She stopped at the edge, seeing toads by the dozens swimming, eyes were directly on The Ambassador. She raised her hand, blue mist coating falling gently into the pond. The toads darted at the sight but she caught one straggler. Pulling it up out of the water levitating between her hands, immobilized. She thought briefly of how Mandate would have enjoyed seeing what was to happen next. Odette reversed the curse, the toad grew back into a human woman. She was terrified staring at Odette, pleading to be free. Still levitating, she brought the woman back before the Lioness. She made eye contact with Odette, feeling a certain dread plucking at her will. The Lioness croaked, “[i]You would so easily offer one of your own people to me?[/i]” “[color=thistle][i]What is she to me when you are hungry? She would have lived out the remainder of her life as a toad, now she has the honour of sustaining you.[/i][/color]” She replied, cold in her offering. “[color=thistle][i]Or does she not please you?[/i][/color]” The Lioness considered, averting her gaze once again. “[i]You speak well, I accept. Lay her upon the ground.[/i]” The woman whimpered, tears streaming down into her hair. Gently Odette placed her into the soft grass taking a few steps away. “[i]I will speak with the Sylphs on one more condition, Ambassador.[/i]” Odette waited. Watching the Lioness huddle over her meal. “[i]You are to watch while I eat. If it such an honour to provide my meal, you shall watch as my honourable guest.[/i]” She said locking Odette in her spot, unable to refuse. She grinned making eye contact once more, the full weight of the Lioness’ dreadful gaze upon Odette once again. The Ambassador sighed, nodding. Bach sighed as well. “[color=thistle][i]Very well.[/i][/color]” The Lioness tore into her meal, The Ambassador muffled the painful noise to their vicinity. While the Lioness was vicious she was not quick, hoping to get a reaction from the human mortal watching the gore with disinterest. Prodding for weakness as many have tried to do before, the fey native to Paris often were upfront with their distaste of The Ambassador’s mortality and her Sight. If she was to see, she was to watch. It was well past an hour by the time the Lioness stood back up from her meal. She was covered in blood down the length of her body, no longer attempting to hide it with her pelt. The pelt itself seemed to brighten with life, fur standing on end, dull eyes watching Odette now where the Lioness averted her own. The mess she left behind was unrecognizable, the Lioness plucked the eyes from the dead woman’s skull and offered them. “[i]A guarantee for the Sylphs. I will meet them at dawn.[/i]” Unflinchingly Odette gathered the eyes into her hand, passing them to Bach. They disappeared into his breast pocket inside his jacket. “[color=thistle][i]I will relay the message. Good night, Lioness.[/i][/color]” The Lioness seeped back into her shadows, bright eyes followed The Ambassador - watching her exit the gardens. When the Ambassador was clear from watching eyes, they walked a short ways stopping into a cafe, Bach shifted his appearance - coming to appear as human. His horns and leaves disappeared, his eyes brightened from yellow to white with green iris. His suit trimmed to a tweed gray suit with a green tie, a small little cheeky green rose at his lapel. She sat easily ordering a cold drinks. Bach joined her, visible to the naked eye. She slipped into French, “[color=thistle]Truly, what a waste of time. Making me watch her eat, [i]hmph.[/i][/color]” Bach shrugged, “[color=darkseagreen]It is in her nature to challenge. I am surprised you did not protest.[/color]” “[color=thistle]I seem to be surprising you a lot as of late.[/color]” She commented pointedly, shortly the waitress placed the iced coffees before them shyly blushing away from Bach’s heavy gaze. “[color=thistle]I wasn’t in a position to complain. She named me a guest.[/color]” “[color=darkseagreen]Butting heads, you mean.[/color]” He replied with a wryly grin. “[color=darkseagreen]Something has been on your mind, I know that much. This business with the Americans has shifted your priorities some. Shifted from what I usually understand of your wants.[/color]” Turning to a serious note, “[color=darkseagreen]Tell me, My Lady.[/color]” She crossed her legs, looking out the window. “[color=thistle]I am focused, I have a goal in mind and now more than ever does the prophecy really mean nothing to me. I don’t care if [i]he[/i] was sincere or not.[/color]” She emphasized, meaning Puck. Bach relaxed at her disregard, perhaps finally able to put thoughts of it behind her. “[color=thistle]I have always understood what we have now Bach, is not forever. My power will peak and then it will wane.[/color]” He inclined his head, “[color=darkseagreen]True, but you are young and full of vitality. My Lady you have done what many thought was impossible. You’ve secured true power.[/color]” He argued. “[color=darkseagreen]I couldn’t be more proud.[/color]” She was unconvinced. Losing patience she swiped her hand, blue light spreading quickly on the back of a few Words of Power, deafening the patrons in the cafe from their conversation. Growing sick of tip toeing around her words. “[color=thistle]There is no security! All the Fey I have control over will outlive me by lifetimes, yourself included Bach. It does not matter how much power I have right now, the likes of lowly spirits such as the Lioness will keep pushing their boundaries with me.[/color]” She snapped, removing her hat she placed it on the table. She sipped her coffee, calming down. “[color=thistle]We butt heads because now more than ever what connections I have are important, maintaining my connection to my humanity and all it entails. I need them as I need you. It is frustrating how it is seen as a weakness but provides a source of strength, a grounding.[/color]” He conceded, “[color=darkseagreen]We are as one.[/color]” Quietly adding, in a twinge of envy. “[color=darkseagreen]I am all you truly need.[/color]” She leaned across the table taking his hands in hers. “[color=thistle]You say they are dangerous.[/color]” He bowed his head to their hands, frustrated as he was. “[color=darkseagreen]We operate better keeping our allies in the dark. Why you gave such access to Mandate and Silence, is beyond me. Now you are on the brink with White Witch.[/color]” He looked up, “[color=darkseagreen]Who is next? Forge? The closer they are - who is to say they will not be targeted by our rivals. Do you truly want a repeat of Thomas?[/color]” He said gripping her hands, “[color=darkseagreen]Titania is only the start of rivalries. She wants to stamp you out swiftly in an all consuming war if properly provoked.[/color]” She averted her eyes, emotion welling up from the pits of her stomach at Thomas’ name. Uncontrollable. “[color=thistle][i]Swiftly.[/i] She would not dream of such a tactic if I wasn’t mortal.[/color]” Odette insisted, not dwelling. Understanding dawning on him. “[color=darkseagreen]You [i]want[/i] immortality? We have discussed it before-[/color]” She cut him off, “[color=thistle]An apprentice would not be able to carry on my legacy. I am the only one suited for this work. The Fey need to have a stronger foothold here, not just in Paris. I need to see through building more permanent portals, more connections, more power and that ultimately takes [i]time.[/i][/color]” “[color=darkseagreen]...Like Gwyneth?[/color]” He asked, guarding his expression. He withdrew his hands. She shook her head, “[color=thistle]After having some time to think of her life, I find myself admiring her. The sheer resolve, strength, and intellect it must have taken to attempt an immortality spell on her own. Storing shards of herself amongst her treasured items in a moment of surprise, able to exert control of illusionary worlds thereafter…[/color]” Odette said warmly, remembering her meeting with the witch. “[color=thistle]I can only hope that my abilities grow to be strong as hers.[/color]” She squeezed his hands. “[color=thistle]I want to be me...I want…[/color]” She gazed into his eyes, “[color=thistle]I want these attachments to stay with me for as long as I can.[/color]” “[color=thistle]Immortality would be a start.[/color]” He stood leaning over the table planting a kiss on her forehead, “[color=darkseagreen]You will have it on our terms. I will… Restrain myself and trust you understand the consequences.[/color]” He said, the weight of his words not going unnoticed by Odette. They drank their coffees in comfortable silence, both mulling over what they spoke of. The radio playing in the background stopped suddenly for breaking news. The Hounds of Humanity destroyed three American cities with blasts from a satellite. News tracked the sudden gathering of metahumans in Lost Haven, following live updates of the ongoing fight there. Odette looked to Bach, “[color=thistle]I suppose the Hounds will no longer be our problem very soon. Here’s hoping they take a few of our enemies with them.[/color]” “[color=darkseagreen]Where did you drop Mandate off again? Surely not Lost Haven.[/color]” He asked. “[color=thistle]Oh goodness, no. She is in New York. She was quite cagey on where she wanted to go. My guess was to see where she was born, wherever that may be.[/color]” She replied. “[color=darkseagreen]What of the potion ingredients from Vegas?[/color]” Bach asked, “[color=darkseagreen]Can’t keep our [i]favourite[/i] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4230747]criminal[/url] waiting for his miracle.[/color]” He said sarcastically. “[color=thistle]Erik has the ingredients and his instructions.[/color]” Odette ignored his tone. “[color=thistle]I will drop it off when it is done. Bach, we need to be on the same page now. We can’t keep butting heads, understood?[/color]” “[color=darkseagreen]Yes, My Lady. We are clear.[/color]” “[color=thistle][i]Bien.[/i][/color]”