[@Searat][@Argonaut][@Eviledd1984][@Blueflame] Griffin growled when the woman appeared out of nowhere. He had been about to open the grate. He glared at his two companions. He really need a better team. It was clear he was the only one who knew what the hell he was doing. He counted to a hundred twice before directing his attention to the group. [color=39b54a]"Trenchcoat your an idiot. Keep your mouth shut. No one is suppose to know that we aren't humans. Roger grow a pair. You're going to mess up it's a part of life. There are worse things than getting into trouble is a part of life. It helps you learn."[/color] He turned his attention to the new arrival.[color=39b54a] "I don't know who you are but like Roger you need to be alittle less flashy with your powers. We are suppose to be normal FBI agents. Don't attract anymore attention than we have to. I don't know if her water power will work on the tar. The creature isn't make of tar."[/color] Griffin reminded them. It was a shadow being of some sort. Water might weaken it enough for them to contain the creature.