The odor of Alice's blood rippled through the air and into Liam's nose, his arched nostrils now flaring like that of a boar or bull. A thin, smug smile crept across his mouth as she spoke her peace. Liam chuckled lightly and, his left arm held outward in an arrogant manor, he said,"You are a fiery little fox aren't you, Miss Lynch? I do love that. So, that is your demand then; your store and your passion returned to you, and your good name cleared, your life back to a somewhat normal state, eh? Not an unfair request." He lowered his arm to his side and took two more bold steps forward, his eyes dimmed slightly and his expression still of smug nature. "I do apologize," he said,"seems I did indeed send your quaint life on a reckless spiral into the unknown. I just hope that you appreciate the gift that I have given you, immortality my dear, dominance over mortals and strength and power like no human can achieve. But if you speak true about not caring about me turning you, then let us not focus on that. Now then, your shop, your life, your name, Miss Lynch I can grant you new ones! I can guarantee you a new store and a new identity, no one will be the wiser and you can go back to doing what you adore. There's just one condition..." Liam took one final step forward and leaned towards Alice, he was now a mere two feet from her. "You must spend your new life with me, as my companion, lover, and feeder. I wanted you when I first met you Alice, and since tasting your honey sweet blood I've yearned for you," he grinned, a wide grin revealing pearly white teeth and two menacing fangs,"come now love, immortality can be so lonely at times. What better way to spend it than with a fellow immortal?" Behind Liam, in the doorway of the balcony, three figures stood shoulder to shoulder. It was Thomas, Aleera, and Dalton, they stood still and silent as Liam spoke. Their masks still adorning their faces. Liam had not noticed them as they stood unmoving behind him.