Ryssa blinked in shock. Pirates going after pots? Fine pots, sure. But at they end of the day they were chasing down pots. Her lips twitched as she fought back the tickle in the back of her throat, knowing she wouldn't be able to hid a silver laugh as a man. Coughing violently, the 'man' rolled a shoulder, working out a kink in muscles that were not used to clambering about a ship's mast. Though this news about taking a small town was worrisome. "No booze." Rys said though not unkindly. She dared not get drunk as she had no tolerance for the wine. "What is this about taking over a small town? How would that work?" The newest member of the crew frowned as they fixed a tie on their sandal that held the rags tight to their feet. Making them look larger than they actually were. Her mother had warned her that feet and hands were easy to give her away as what she was. Though she could do little about her hands aside keep them busy and play off as a dainty lad, she could and did wrap her feet to mask that fact. If they were taking over a small town and sticking about there, Ryssa would need to find another ship that was heading south, to Egypt. She wasn't about to risk everything because the idiot captain thought a small respite in a town was a good idea. It was something that could get her found out or killed.