[@Product] After our short PM discussion, I believe this is ready for your final review. [hider=Dekkunda, Runt Of The Deku Palace Guard] [center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/4f07/i/2012/334/0/1/random_deku_by_cavea-d5mmrqg.png[/img] [color=Green][h3]"One day... One day, I'll rescue her!"[/h3][/color] [hr] [u][b]--NAME--[/b][/u] Dekkunda [u][b]--SPECIES--[/b][/u] Deku [u][b]--GENDER--[/b][/u] Male [u][b]--PERSONALITY--[/b][/u] Dekkunda is a bit of an shaky individual: He's uncomfortable with staying in one place for too long, and tends to be a bit bouncy because of it. He thinks and speaks quick, one of his best traits being his wit for solving problems along with his good heart: While he is quite finicky and easy to scare, some words of encouragement are usually enough to up his bravado to the point of being able to help out. Even if it doesn't work at first, he'll occasionally use it to boost himself up with enough bravery to help out. Generally Dekkunda is a neutral presence, and thoughtful towards those around him: He isn't the type to wish foul on others, though will take action when something goes against his morals. Despite generally being passive, once crossed he displays the temper scrubs tend to have, and isn't hesitant to open fire at someone who is threatening him or somebody else he happens to be associated with. [u][b]--HISTORY--[/b][/u] Dekkunda was born into servitude in the Deku Palace: He was destined to serve royalty, and didn't truly object to it as it was made clear there were worse fates. But he was already struck with harsh realities after his training as a guard began: Being an armless scrub, he wasn't able to wield conventional weapons or fight back in a normal way. He'd often get pushed over, beaten, and talked down to by the superior-born Deku's. He refused to allow them to continue this behavior, however. As time went on, he began to adapt: He made use of what he had: His feet, his projectiles, and the thoughts in his noggin. He began outpacing the other guards by avoiding them and pelting them from afar; Leaving them without much room to attack him. This didn't earn him much respect, but it did tend to keep them off his back during training. There were few fellow youths in the Palace, but one of those few was the princess. Princess Deku was the most beautiful individual Dekkunda had ever met: She was one of the few in the Palace that took note of his methods, and approved of them. He'd occasionally see her on the balconies above the training grounds, watching the training sessions he was in. He tended to get distracted and smacked across the head, much to her admitted amusement. He saw it as endearing, and took the punishments for getting distracted because the Princess was worth it to him. It wasn't until he had time to age did he really realize what was happening outside of their woodland home: War, a terrible thing of violence, and death, ended many lives. He had seen some of his older superiors leave the Palace and never return; That must've been where they had gone. To war, where they died on the field of battle, never to return. Politics were becoming hazy and more aggressive within the Palace; The Deku King was seeming to want to send even more of their kind out, in an attempt to aid the defeat of the Gerudo. Those who refused to fight with honor were tossed out of the Palace, forced to continue their lives in exile. The Deku King was running out of options for troops, as his most effective guard was intended to protect him if he was ever invaded. So, he began marching out younger Deku's like Dekkunda instead. Horrified at the idea of being shipped out to war, Dekkunda planned an escape. As the Deku Princess objected to her father's actions more and more, his patience with her got thinner and thinner. Dekkunda planned to take the princess with him; To somewhere safer so they could live more peaceful lives instead of the Deku Palace that was growing more and more aggressive by the day. After nights of planning, and looking at patrol routes, Dekkunda finally set his plan into action. He began to sneak past the guards, dodging alarms and disarming some of them with his projectiles. He made his way up to the Princess' chambers, and entered to try and take her away from their horrid home. They argued, the Deku Princess fearful of what her father would do if she tried to run away: Meanwhile Dekkunda swore to protect her. Unfortunately they had gotten too loud, and the guards discovered him in her chambers. For her sake, he attempted to appoint any and all blame towards himself by making it appear like an attempted kidnapping, before making his own escape from the palace, knowing his fate was sealed. He ran for what felt like hours; He was lucky to have made it out the gate, and even luckier to have survived long enough to flee into more civilized lands. After the events at the Deku Palace, Dekkunda felt ashamed and hopeless after his failure, and simply began to travel Hyrule in his now affirmed exile. However, he had not fully given up. [color=green]"One day..."[/color] He told himself... [color=green]"One day I'll rescue her!"[/color] Little did Dekkunda know that his exile may have been more than his mistake; It may have been fate aligning him with others on a quest to rescue [b]another princess.[/b] [u][b]--ADVANTAGES--[/b][/u] [b]--Make Like A Tree; And Leave!--[/b] Dekkunda can scuttle fast; Mixing it with his small size can lead to a hard to hit target, or a good distraction. He's also decent at sneaking about, though he doesn't like to talk about why. [b]--Nothing Bruises Like A Deku Nut--[/b] Dekkunda learned from a young age that his ability to shoot deku nuts was his biggest asset. He's grown into an excellent marksman that can usually hit his mark; Though he has trouble getting a bead on fast targets. [b]--Outsmarted, Scrub!--[/b] Dekkunda has a natural resourcefulness to him; He plans while on the run, and takes advantage of his surroundings whenever he has the chance. One of his specialties is using his natural ability to disguise himself as a bush to shake off enemies, before sprouting back up and pelting them with a few deku nuts. [u][b]--DISADVANTAGES--[/b][/u] [b]--Delicate Bushboy--[/b] He's not very durable; A few good whacks can put him out of commission, no problem. [b]--Born Inferior--[/b] As an armless Deku, he cannot grab and hold things like other people. He had to depend on carrying it on his head, heavily limiting his storage capacity without any sort of bag. There's also many other obvious disadvantages to lacking arms, and he's constantly sad about all of them. [u][b]--Exiled From The Jungle--[/b][/u] After his "attempted kidnapping" of Princess Deku, he has been exiled from the Deku Palace to never return. While not all Deku are hostile towards him, things tend to get worse the closer you are to the Palace. It'll be difficult striking a deal to keep him out of King Deku's custody, though if the situation is dire enough he may allow entrance. Though Dekkunda himself highly doubts he'd avoid imprisonment. [u][b]--ATTRIBUTES--[/b][/u] [b]--Attack--[/b] 2 [b]--Magical Attack--[/b] 0 [b]--Defense--[/b] 1 [b]--Speed--[/b] 5 [b]--Intelligence--[/b] 4 [/center] [/hider]