[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358494681383960576/image.png?width=493&height=182[/img][/center] Mamoru pursed her lips at Mako's responses. Sure, Mako likely had years of experience over Mamoru, but she still felt that Mako was wrong. And having never been the type to really keep a lid on things, Mamoru was all too willing to speak her mind about it. [color=pink]"Luck is totally a thing that applies to everyone. Did you have to work hard to get your quirk? Do you know what I did to get mines, or for someone like Amane to get his? We didn't really [i]do[/i] anything to earn our quirks, it was just given to us. After that, we worked hard to figure out how to make it work for us. Luck factors into other things too, sensei. Things that we can't control. Stuff like running into a familiar face during a job who may help or hinder you, or people you don't like who happened to be friends with each other. That's the bad thing about luck though; despite all your hard work and natural ability, things don't always turn out how you expect them to. That's why some of the most powerful people in the world are bad guys. That's not something you and I had any control over. That's just how things turned out. It isn't fair. But a hero's life isn't fair. That's why they have to fight so hard to tip things in their favor."[/color] There was other statements that Mako had said that also caught Mamoru's attention. Without giving them much thought she also talked about it. [color=pink]"But I think you'll make a great hero, if you had the drive to be one! You choose to use your powers for bad sensei. I remember reading about you in a magazine and about how good at stuff you were in high school. Model student. Everyone liked you. Unless there's stuff you haven't told us, I don't think there was any outside force that really made you become a bad guy. You just didn't have the drive to be a hero. Sure you had the talent and the luck, but you didn't [i]want[/i] to be a hero."[/color] As for the other statements, Mamoru simply raised her bandaged, useless arms. [color=pink]"Sacrifice is the hardest thing a hero can do. And I don't mean dying either. No one wants to give up after all. But there will come a time in a heroes career where she'll have to throw everything away to do what she believes is right. For some people, giving up your life is easy. I bet if it really came down to it, everyone in 1A would gladly give up their lives to save someone they don't even know. But it's the little things, those small compromises, that'll break a hero. Stuff like letting a bad guy go because he needs money. Or leaving your friends behind because they're only holding you back. Or breaking your limbs to save your friends from an accident. Those are the sort of sacrifices a hero has to make. It's not glorious and no one is going to appreciate it, but those things can make or break a hero."[/color] Mamoru turned back to Ruby and Amane as their fight was finishing up. Mamoru actually wasn't paying attention to the last of it since she was talking to Mako, so she would just cheer for Ruby and congratulate her on her win. She waved her arms violently at Ruby and screamed loudly. [color=pink]"Way to go Ruby! I knew you had it in you!"[/color] Mamoru was yelling so loudly that she didn't realize that she had dislocated her arms at the elbows. Thanks to the medication she was under and the bandages, Mamoru didn't even feel the pain. She just sort of realized that her arms were bent out of shape. [color=pink]"Hmm. Well would you look at that."[/color] Mamoru let her arms down at the side as she hopped left to right. When Ruby approached Mamoru would do her little happy dance in front of Ruby. She would've tried to hug her had she not had broken arms. But between her little jig she looked back at Mako. [color=pink]"Plus Ultra, sensei. If your best isn't enough doing less isn't going to help at all. Sometimes you need to do more than give it your all, and give more than you got."[/color] Then Mamoru looked back to Ruby and Persia and nodded. [color=pink]"Yup! I think I need to see the nurse again."[/color] [@Silver Carrot][@pkken][@Melpaws] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img][/center] Slowly Donny tried to maintain his shape, however being in water was always funky for him. Even when he takes baths he usually just fills the tub and then covers up in a few gallons of water. Or takes a shower. He also wondered just how he was suppose to get out of here. It looked like the water came from some sort of tube below since there was no hose or nozzle he saw above him. Even his oxygen mask came from a tube coming out of the ground. [color=firebrick][i]"First thing's first. Let's deal with this water."[/i][/color] Donny began to suck the water into his body. Barely six seconds and the entire tank was drained of water. He removed his mask and could smell the stale water mixed with his body's odors. It was stale. However once he was metaphorically on his feet all the pain came back to him. If he had knees they would've buckled by now. However he figured it was just fatigue. As his memories were coming back he realized that he wasn't the only one who should be here; Yukari must have gotten taken away too. He needed to find her and make sure she's alright. Looking around the tube he still wasn't sure how he was suppose to get out. There was no rim or door frame. And as much as he didn't want to do it, he'll just have to make an exit himself. He planted his body against the glass and ate a clean circle large enough for him to slither his body through. As he slide out of the tank he looked around and noticed that his room was awfully bare. Didn't even have any chairs. He chuckled mirthlessly. [color=firebrick]"Well, it's not like I was expecting guest."[/color] Drinking some water from a faucet to get some energy, Donny went to find where Yukari was. Or where his meat bag was, not remembering that it was utterly destroyed. [color=firebrick]"Damn what a day. I hope everyone else had a better day..."[/color] [hr] [center][h3]Other[/h3][/center] Nodding his head at Hitomi, Asahi stepped aside to let her take the center stage. Soon the opposition set out their representative. Hitomi would recognize the student: Kamui Hibiki of Support Class 2C. Her quirk allows animals to understand her speech and for her to understand animals, effectively allowing her to communicate with them. A very strong contender as she has used her powers to help deal with creatures before, even strays and wild animals. However Hibiki has a bad reputation that Hitomi would no doubt know: among her peers she's known as the "Mad Vegan" partly due to her entirely vegetarian diet (Mainly because she's a practicing Buddhist) but also due to her ill temper when it comes to interact with people. She typically hangs out with animals only, and even people like Hitomi who has an animal related quirk isn't someone she's kind with. How Tori convinced her to help in the challenge is unknown considering that she wasn't present at the meeting. With the two representative chosen the challenge would soon begin. White Hat reiterated the rules once more while he held a timer in one hand and a neon yellow flag in the other. [b]"Now that both sides have chosen their representative, you may begin!"[/b] He raised the flag up and the challenge commenced. Immediately Hibiki dashed towards two cats and picked them up, speaking quietly to them. [b]"Shush. We're just playing a game. Help me get the other cats to follow me and I'll give everyone a tasty treat!"[/b] She spoke to the animals who gave a surprised look at Hibiki, but seemed compliant. She let them go as they went off to the other cats. [@Silver Carrot][@liferusher]