[h3][b][u][color=Silver]Dragon Age[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [hider=Noah Trevelyan] [color=DodgerBlue][i]"A hero you say? Well, as much as I enjoy the spotlight... I'd rather be drinking,"[/i][/color] [img] https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/728/images/thumbnails/1726-0-1488938141.png[/img] [hider=Boop] (Despite the daggers, he is a mage... Couldn't find another image) [/hider] [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Noah Trevelyan [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 23 [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Class:[/u][/b][/color] Mage [hider=Boop] Proficient with Ice and Lightning magic [/hider] [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Specialization:[/u][/b][/color] Knight Enchanter [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] Homosexual [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Noah is Snarky, sarcastic, full of himself, and just not one to take too much too seriously. That being said, he has a good heart and truly does want to help people. He can't stand a bully, finds stupidity both annoying and hilarious, and often teases those he cares about. He's protective of his friends/family and of anyone who doesn't have the ability to protect themselves. He's loyal, kind, and determined... Though he doesn't often show the last two openly to people he isn't familiar with. He can come off rather cocky at first, but that's just his sense of humor. It takes him a bit to truly warm up to people, and he doesn't like a whole lot of responsibility placed on his shoulders. It freaks him out and makes him nervous, and when he's nervous he gets even more sarcastic and Snarky. Call it a nervous twitch. Up front it basically seems as if he takes life as one big joke, but really he does care, even if it seems he doesn't. Oh, and he loves drinking, and pretty men. [color=DodgerBlue][b][u]Bio/History:[/u][/b][/color] Noah was born youngest of two to Bann and Arabelle Trevelyan. His older sister, Taenya, and him had been close from a young age. But Noah had also been different than every other member of his family as he was gifted with magic, while the others were not. His uncle had been a mage, but none of his direct family ossessed the ability to perform magic. Noah showed signs early on of magic ability, and when he was ten he was shipped off to the Ferelden Circle for training against his wishes. His parents were Nobles, they couldn't host an apostate. So Noah had to go to the Circle, and he spent the rest of his years until he turned eighteen there. He still kept in contact with his family, his sister especially as she was the one he was closest to. He often wrote them letters over the years as he absorbed all the magical knowledge he could. He learned quickly, and progressed quickly, passing his Harrowing at the young age of sixteen (the youngest in a decade, at least in the Ferelden Circle). But when he turned eighteen, there were rumors floating around about him using blood magic to get ahead, as he was First Enchanter Fiona's favorite student before the Circles fell. Noah had never dabbled in blood magic of course, he detested the practice greatly. But still the rumors spread like wildfire, despite their lack of truth. When a Warden by the name of Travers had come to visit the Circle, searching for recruits as the Ferelden Wardens needed mages desperately(they only had two living at the time), Noah stepped up willingly. He had lined to escape the Circle for years and was happy to have a reason, especially with the rumors flying around. Fiona had been sad to see him go, but she knew his reasoning. Not too long after, the Circles fell. Noah spent the next four years traveling with the Wardens, though he spent a major amount of that time traveling by himself [i]for[/i] the Wardens. When news came to his ear about the "Elder One", Noah personally invested his time trying to learn everything he could about what was going on. He'd been in Ferelden at the time, trying to soothe the tension the war between the rebel mages and Templars brought to the surface. He'd been at the Chantry for a meeting with one of the lay sisters when he'd noticed the Orlais Wardens appearing. Not sure what was going on, Noah followed them and that was when he'd been bestowed the Anchor after interrupting Corypheus and his plans. But his memory had been wiped of all that and much more, and now Noah just wanted to fix what Corypheus was breaking. [/hider] [hider=Marel Solanus] [center][color=orangered][i]"Life is too short to worry about hellos and how do you do's, just tell me what you want"[/i][/color] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/6956/th/pre/i/2015/228/0/1/amnis_by_merwild-d95tqw7.jpg[/img] [h3][color=orangered]Marel Solanus[/color][/h3] [color=orangered][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 23 [color=orangered][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] Elf [color=orangered][b][u]Class:[/u][/b][/color] Mage (Specializes in Lightning and Fire Magic, KE) [color=orangered][b][u]Weapon:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Staff of Aidahn] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/a/aa/Staff_of_Aidahn_Allied.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150108112244[/img] [/hider] [color=orangered][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Marel can be a pretty confusing guy. He is serious at times, and not at others. He's sarcastic, cocky, has no time for nonsense, while at the same time does. He loves teasing people and making them angry with his silver tongue, but he doesn't like people who beat around the bush. He's blunt, ridiculously so, and he doesn't care if his words hurt your feelings. He will always tell you how he feels about a given situation, and he won't sugarcoat it either. He can't stand people who obsess over power, but he's cocky about his own skill level as well. He doesn't like admitting he's wrong or beaten, and he has little to no patience for basically anything. He enjoys flirting openly, and will do so with everyone. But, when he sees something or someone that he wants, he won't ever give up on them until they're gone, or he's gotten what he wants....even if it is just for a little while. [color=orangered][b][u]History/Bio:[/u][/b][/color] Marel was born among the Dalish, his mother not knowing his affinity for magic until much later on. He was raised with them until he was five, when his mother was slaughtered by a dragon, and in the ehat of grief, Marel showed his first form of magic ability by setting their camp on fire. It was then that he was sent to Denerim to stay in the alienage there, an orphan now Marel was subject to a brutal and tragic childhood. The alienages treated his kind terribly, often taking the women and returning with them battered and broken inside. Marel learned to hate human early on, just on principle. But when he was fifteen, he fled in the dark of night. He longed to be free of the chains that city life held him in, longed to be back in the fresh open air. So he joined a small band of mercenaries called the Golem's Fist. It was a mixture of races, human, dwarf, elf, and even Qunaris. Marel over the years came to understand that there were humans that he didn't want to shank on principle, and that every race had the ability to walk the path of good, or the path of wickedness. For the following years, he worked with them and became one of their top mercenaries, whispers of is moniker- Wildman, making sweeps around the land of Thedas. Marel didn't know [i]why[/i] Wildman stuck, maybe because of the way he pushed his way through a battle with his fire and lightning magic. But he didn't mind it, it probably had something to do with his hair. When news of the Inquisition spread, Leliana called in a favor in the form of Wildman, since they'd met while on individual jobs multiple times. Marel was happy to help, and even lend a hand figuring out why the world was suddenly going to shit. [/center][/hider] [hider=Niala] [center][color=DarkOrchid][i]"The Blight is everyone's concern, and it is everyone's duty to fight it,"[/i][/color] [img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5LXoP_RMtVtfABZyMAO5HmP7NNwEK5RP6xYrxxchAjTW6mu8-Gw [/img] [color=darkorchid][h3]Niala Suranas[/h3][/color] [color=darkorchid][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 26 [color=darkorchid][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] Dalish Elf [color=darkorchid][b][u]Class:[/u][/b][/color] Mage [hider=Skill Trees:] [img]https://img.bhs4.com/fc/c/fccf498f5563974651c9d35d62a31333d34156c5_large.jpg[/img] (all but last column) [img]https://img.bhs4.com/dc/e/dcedb815e6dc89842cd17d7baad542b6b7883df2_large.jpg[/img] (has only first row) (Also is a Spirit Healer, just can find a pic for that) [/hider] [color=DarkOrchid][b][u]Weapon:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Healer's Lightning Staff] [img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/5/53/Soulwrecker-Staff.png/revision/latest?cb=20150127085836[/img] [/hider] [color=DarkOrchid][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=DarkOrchid][b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Proficient Healer:[/b] Niala is a very skilled mage, and an even more skilled healer. Healing is really what she's best at, above all else. She's a pretty strong fighter, not gonna lie, but she's better when she's taking care of the party from the back lines, making sure everyone stays well enough to fight on. [b]Dalish Instinct:[/b] Being raised in the Brecilian Forest with the Dalish, Niala has been taught and mastered the art of tracking. She's got a very keen nose, sharp eyes, and ears like a hawk. She's also light on her feet and very in tune with nature and the earth around her. [b]Observant:[/b] Niala is not one to crave the spotlight. She's more of a background type, preferring to keep to the shadows and observe people rather than make herself overtly noticeable. Niala is a very observant person, able to pick up on body language queues and subtle hints with ease usually. [color=darkorchid][b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Speculative:[/b] Niala isn't the type to immediately warm up to people, instead she needs time to feel them out before she really can get to now them. She is rather speculative of people when she first meets them, especially if they are human. She doesn't hate humans in particular, but as they are so well known for treating her people poorly, she's cautious of them all at first. [b]Busybody:[/b] Niala doesn't like to just sit around, she doesn't like taking breaks if she has something that needs doing, and she isn't really a lazy person at all. She can usually come off as rushing people if she's traveling in a group, always seeming like she's in a hurry. But in reality, she's just too active to sit around for very long without doing anything productive. She doesn't like feeling like she's wasting her time, whether time set aside as down time or not. [b]Forest Dweller:[/b] Niala is most at home within the trees, and the big cities of Theda can unnerve her and make her feel anxious. She's isn't used to so many people in one place, and can't seem more jittery once around too many people or too much civilization. She's also quite claustrophobic, especially in tight places. She doesn't like being inside enclosed spaces at all, and always makes sure she knows the quickest and easiest way outside of wherever she is. [color=darkorchid][b][u] Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Niala is pensive, quiet, loyal, protective of those she cares about, Intelligent, observant, and very much one with nature. She's a big believer in people deserving the right to be free, and she's also the adventurous sort. She doesn't like staying in one place for top long, preferring to constantly be on the move. She is compassionate and honest but speculative of people when she first meets them. She's soft-spoken, but sarcastic once she opens up to people. She's more the "makes smart remarks under her breath" type. [color=darkorchid][b][u]History/Bio:[/u][/b][/color] When Niala was born, the clan she was born into already had their First, who was a small elvish woman by the name of Merrill. Luckily, Niala didn't show any signs of magical ability until she was eight, and when she did the Keeper gave her a choice. She could go stay with another clan who didn't [i]have[/i] a first, or she could travel alone and go wherever she pleased. So Niala chose the latter. She spent the next years that followed traveling all around Fetelden, keeping mostly to the wooded areas ajd staying away from the major cities as she knew if she was caught as an apostate, she would be forced into the human's idea of where mages belonged; the Circle. Nothing about the Circle appealed to Niala. When the Blight first started showing itself to the people of Thedas, Niala immediately began tracking the Darkspawn herself. She'd always secretly loved the idea of becoming a Warden someday, enticed by the adventurous lives they lived, or at least the stories she's heard led her to believe that. Niala tracked the Darkspawn all the way to the outskirts of Lothering, where she was currently trying to decide next where to go. [/center][/hider] [hider=Lochlyn Dougan] [center][color=darkgray][i]"Blasted darkspawn are messing with business, so I figure I'll help take 'em out,"[/i][/color] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOQZmPNor3sJYhqKkOSn_TBQFk3SsRJWwj3jr7Um5H1CgnY4OVng[/img] [color=darkgray][h3]Lochlyn Dougan[/h3][/color] [color=darkgray][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 25 [color=darkgray][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] Dwarf [color=darkgray][b][u]Class:[/u][/b][/color] Rogue:Archer [hider=Skills] [img] https://i1.wp.com/i10.photobucket.com/albums/a142/TypoWolf/Dragon%20Age%20Origins%20-%20Awakenings/natestats5.jpg[/img] (also is a master lockpick and has the full assassin tree) [/hider] [color=darkgray][b][u]Weapon:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Dwarven Hunter's Bow] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/0/0c/Dwarven_crossbow.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111028022945[/img][/hider] [color=darkgray][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] Homosexual [color=darkgray][b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Accurate:[/b] Loch doesn't often miss when it comes to his aim, if he does miss its usually on purpose. He's a very good shot with his crossbow, having ain't years training to become as good as he was now. It is this skill which is what first started him in the mercenary business, dwarves asking him to take care of their dirty work because he was such a better shot than they were. [b]Life of the Party:[/b] Like most dwarves, Loch likes to drink and have a good time. Well, like is an understatement. Loch [i]loves[/i] to drink and have a good time, especially if there's a good story involved. He always has a story or two himself as well, having been in his share of odd situations throughout his life. He's always good for a good party, a drink, and a story that usually ends in him getting various parts of his body stuck places. [b]Smol:[/b] Being a dwarf Loch can fit in and out of right places easily. Being so small, he's also easy to miss, which makes it easier for him to get in and out unnoticed. Being amateur locksmith helps too, as he really can plunder an entire house without being noticed if he tries hard enough... As long as no one is home that is. [color=darkgray][b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Undergrounder:[/b] Loch has only been topside for a few short months, and as such the big open world can sometimes overwhelm him. Sometimes the sun is too bright, or the sky looks too easy to fall into, or the ground is too soft... And he'll let you know about it. Rain is also not his friend, and neither is snow. He [i]hates[/i] snow. He also is rather scared he will at some point fall upwards into the sky as well. [b]Not the Sharpest Axe in the Tool Shed:[/b] Loch isn't a genius, hell he isn't remotely close, and he is one hundred percent fine with that. He has no problem being dumb, or dumber than most really. He can tend to miss things, not pick up on more subtle hints, and get confused during conversations from time to time. His brain isn't what it used to be, which isn't saying much as he's still pretty young for a dwarf. He's just not that bright is all. [b]Still Smol:[/b] On the other side of the coin, being half the size of a other races can have its downsides as well. Loch can easily get left behind if people move too quickly(stumpy legs), he had trouble reaching things that are high up(stumpy arms), and he can often get looked over (literally). [color=darkgray][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Laid-back and not one to take life too seriously, Loch simply likes to crack jokes and have fun. He loves drinking, fighting, belching contests, swapping war stories, getting frisky with the handsome men he meets, and roasting some darkspawn. He isn't usually own to have a deep conversation with, he gets confused easily and will change the subject to something more suitable. He is nosy, known to gush about anything especially dirty that he heads. He's got a crude sense of humor, is blunt and doesn't care how dirty he may come off because well, he's got a mind that is constantly in the gutter. [color=darkgray][b][u]History/Bio:[/u][/b][/color] Loch was born in Orzammar to a blacksmith father and a stay at home mother. Being from a noble family, Loch and his one older brother Murkin didn't really struggle much, and they both had pretty easy childhoods. But since Loch was the younger sibling, he wasn't held to as high of standards as he brother was, who was expected to become a blacksmith like his father. When he was fifteen, Loch saw his first darkspawn while exploring one day. He sword he'd never seen anything so ugly in his entire life, and there were some pretty ugly dwarves beneath the surface. When he reached adulthood, Loch began talking about moving topside. It wasn't something that dwarves from Orzammar usually did willingly, but Loch had been an odd exception. He didn't move for several years though, not having enough courage to leave his family and venture off in his own permantely. When he finally [i]did[/i] leave, it was with a promise to return, someday. When that day was, Loch wasn't sure. All he knew was that it was time for him to have his own adventure, and hopefully it wouldn't be one in which he fell into the giant sky lost forever. [/center][/hider] [hider=Rika] [center][I][color=SteelBlue]"Keep talking and you'll have a dagger in your back, two seconds max,"[/color][/I] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/61/c1/70/61c1703152fd9754f8ff6674d2c96e28.jpg[/img] [h3][color=tan]RIKA SARGAS | TWENTY-SEVEN | ROGUE [/color][/h3] [u][color=steelblue]Profession:[/color][/u] [color=tan]Mercenary Captain for The Black Hammers[/color] [color=SteelBlue][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [color=tan]Ruby is a spitfire. She's tough, crass, blunt, and can put back as much liquor as any man. She's highly intelligent, good at crafting weapons, and an expert sneak. She's really good at not being seen or heard when she doesn't want to be. Ruby is very sarcastic, a believer that everyone deserves equal treatment and freedom, and not one to sit down and shut up when she sees injustice happening. She highly dislikes snobs and most Orlesians, dislikes the cold and wet, and really dislikes anyone who comments on how small she is. [/color] [color=SteelBlue][u]Equipment:[/u][/color] [hider=Boop] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/0/08/Savage-Thorn-Dagger-Inquisition.png/revision/latest?cb=20150329080417[/img] Two identical Savage Thorn daggers called Pain and Panic [/hider][/center] [/hider]