Aviza admitted to herself that they were not using Adrianne's warp abilities enough, they had a fully stationed Psyker to use as they saw fit. Vala had brought up the idea of gathering up a group of hostiles and moving them into a more desirable position. With some planing, this could work out very well and could even end a fight in a few second. [color=00aeef]"She could just warp them into one of the massive vats filled with molten metal and obliterate them instantly. If that is to much trouble, they can also be moved into a tighter group where we can easily eliminate them with our weapons or some well placed explosives."[/color] It then occurred to Aviza, that she did not even know what discipline Adrianne was trained under. She gathered that Adrianne had to of been trained under the Telekinesis Discipline, enabling her to cast many offensive but also defensive abilities that would undoubtedly be very useful in the fights to come. [color=00aeef]"I am giving you free rein on your abilities Adrianne, but be very cautious of your actions."[/color] There was a chance that this could end badly for all of them, but Aviza had weighed the options and had decided to allow it for now. The Rhino rumbled forward at a solid speed, heading through the tunnel with its lights on full power, pointing forward. There were a couple possessed in the tunnel as the headed towards their next destination. Aviza did not waste any rounds on them and let the Rhino run them over, crushing them below its treads. As they drove, a malevolent feeling would grow with every passing second, something of great power was near them and they would soon be face to face with it. Aviza's digital map in the upper right hand corner of her HUD showed they were almost right below a massive chapel, and that is where Aviza suspected they would find the source for all the Chaos corruption. Whispers in the dark were now audible, seeming to come from all around them, even through their coms and the electronic radios inside the Rhino. [color=00aeef]"Adrianne, any idea what the source of all this ... demonic bullshit could be?"[/color] asked Aviza through her com. The turret on top of the Rhino was still pointing forward, the Sister of Battle who manned it was expecting to see hostiles any moment now. Suddenly, the darkness was illuminated from heavy bolter fire from far in the distance, either someone was manning turrets of their own or there were more ground forces that had been waiting for them. Aviza opened fire with the heavy quad bolters and let forth a hail of hellfire in the direction the rounds were coming from. "WARNING AMMUNITION LOW" the message flashed inside of her helmet, letting her know that she had almost used up all of her ammo for the Rhinos built in primary weapon. In the distance, a new flash of light appeared as a number of anti-vehicle rockets were fired, giving them very little time to react if they wanted to survive the attack. Aviza put the turret on auto-pilot and quickly pulled the emergency lever near by, which blowed off the back of the Rhino, giving them a quick and easy exit. The Skitarii Rangers and Malig would exit first then the rest of the team would find their way out. The rockets made direct contact with the Rhino and it exploded with a number of secondary explosions, sending everyone flying quite a distance into the dark, where they would hit the ground, hard. Thankfully, the Skitarii Rangers and Malig would shrug off the attack, and would quickly take a firing line, sending rounds down the tunnel. Aviza and the rest of her squad would not be so lucky, being the last out of the Rhino just half a second before the rockets made contact. After standing up, she first noticed that she was partly on fire and quickly took care of that situation while using what little cover they had left. Raising her weapon, she let her HUD readjust after the impact. It picked up three figures of what had to be Chaos Space Marines with heavy weapons in the distance, looking for more hostiles to fire at. Aviza lined up her weapon and fired a number of well placed shots, managing to hit one of the Chaos Space Marines. This caused the heavy weapon he had to explode, starting a fire in the distance that illuminated the tunnel. The three Chaos Space Marines still stood, but one of them no longer had a heavy weapon.