[center][h1][b][color=lightpink]Mugnai D. Katheryn[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][h2]The Mugnai’s Household[/h2][/center] [hr] It was on July 31st, 2011, which Katheryn was reading a book in her room at her desk. She only reads books when it is a Sunday and it’s usually her mother’s short story. She is usually told not to play video games on Sunday because of her family’s traditions of family time. She looked up and noticed the time on her alarm clock, it was 4:00 PM CST. She gasped slightly since she completely forgot about the starting of family traditions start 3:30 PM CST. [color=lightpink]”I am definitely enjoying my mother’s books but I should go see if they need my help,”[/color] Mugnai said a bit worried with a kind smile on her face. She sets her mother’s short story on her desk gently since it has seen much of use throughout her lifetime. She gets up from her chair at her desk and walks out of her room into the front room, which looks as normal for a Japanese inspired home as possible. She noticed her mother and father in the kitchen talking about a certain thing. [color=lightpink]”Mom and Dad do you need any help with anything for our family time?”[/color] Katheryn asked, kindly. Her mother Claudia looks directly at her daughter with a smile as kind as her daughter’s smile. Her mother walks to her daughter and gives her a gentle hug. Katheryn giggled cutely when her mother hugged her. “Yes, daughter, we do need some help,” Claudia said, happily. [color=lightpink]”What is that you require mother?”[/color] Katheryn asked, curiously. “Can you look for a recipe online for Oyakodon and check your emails too, because I heard that the latest JRPG is coming out from a email I got,” Claudia said. [color=lightpink]”Oh okay, mother that sounds nice to try something new from our mainland, even though American food is all I get in School. Nice, I will definitely look at my email for any new JRPGs on the horizon,”[/color] Katheryn said, happily. Claudia walks back into the kitchen to talk to her husband about the other things needed to make the certain things for dinner today. [color=lightpink][i]“Oh goodie, I get to see if there’s any new releases are coming out for Japanese RPGs…,”[/i][/color] Katheryn thought to herself as she watched her mother go back into the kitchen. Katheryn turned around slowly and walked back into her room. She looked around her room for a bit and notices her plushie on her bed and looked at her desk. It had her mother’s short story and it also holds her computer too. She sat at her desk again and turns on her computer, which was sitting beside her desk on the floor. She looks at her computer monitor that was turning on, which always made her happy. [color=lightpink][i]”I hope I have some emails from my childhood friend and my subbed to Japanese RPGs monthly,”[/i][/color] Katheryn thought to herself a bit. Katheryn looked at her alarm clock. It took about three to five minutes to startup the computer since it hasn’t been updated since 2010, and it’s almost 2012. She moves her mouse and clicks her favorite browser, which was Mozilla Firefox. She had a desktop background that had multiple different Japanese RPG characters saluting similarly to Full Metal Panic. She switches to her email service and looks at the emails, there is the usual ones, plus a new one at the top saying, ‘Urgent news!’ with an unknown sender and weird text in a language she has no idea what it says. [color=lightpink][i]”What the…? It’s nice to know I got the emails I usually get from Japanese RPGs monthly but no emails from my childhood friend. What’s this email?”[/i][/color] Katheryn thought to herself, with a confused look on her face. She curiously clicks the Urgent news, email link to see if she could understand what’s going on. The entire email made no exact sense it was unique, however, it makes her think it was a sort of a game. She had a smile on her face but remembered that she had to look for a recipe for dinner tonight. She opened another tab, to search with google but her computer screen glitched and the computer screen turned itself off. [color=lightpink][i]”Why is this happening now of all things? I guess I shouldn’t be clicking on random links, they could be embedded with a virus. My mother always told me to scan emails to see if they are truly safe,”[/i][/color] Katheryn thought to herself, annoyed at the fact her computer screen glitched. She looked around her room and then back at the computer screen she saw it back on and her reaction was a bit weirded out by that. She searched for the recipe and found it pretty simply, since she had the new tab open. She took a piece of paper, and wrote down the ingredients and turned off her computer to make sure nothing more strange happened. She walked to the kitchen with the ingredients. [color=lightpink]”Mom, something weird happened to me when I clicked a email, my computer monitor glitched itself off and back on,”[/color] Katheryn said. “That’s not good daughter, what was the email called?” Claudia asked, curiously. [color=lightpink]”Urgent News! Is all I got from it which was strange,”[/color] Katheryn said. “Hmm, never heard of the email called that but there’s stranger ways to get a virus out there and I usually disallow you to visit the darker parts of the internet,” Claudia said, happily. [color=lightpink]”I love you mom for that… I hope my computer isn’t screwed up too badly… It’s the only way I get to watch video game trailers of JRPGs or otherwise,”[/color] Katheryn said, happily. Her father interjected with a cough more or less wanting to say something, he looked a bit worried about the name of the email. He did notice she was holding a piece of paper of ingredients for things but he wanted to talk about what she did more than what she’s about to do. “Good of you coming in here and telling us about it, Katheryn. Next time, don’t let the curiosity to kill the cat sort of speak and call us if you are confused about something,” Taro said. [color=lightpink]”I will father, better to be safe than sorry as you always say,”[/color] Katheryn said, trying to imitate her father’s speech patterns when saying ‘better to be safe than sorry.’ Taro gave out a laugh when his daughter tried to imitate him, and he looked at his wife and then back as his daughter. He gave a smile and looked directly at the piece of paper she was holding. “I noticed you got the ingredients written down on a sheet of paper. Therefore, are you going to give it to one of us so we can fix dinner?” Taro asked. [color=lightpink]”Oh yeah… here you go father and mother, here’s the ingredients to Oyakodon. I can’t wait to try it,”[/color] Katheryn said, handing the sheet of paper to her father first since he did ask. Taro held the sheet of paper in his hands and looked at the ingredients for a minute and looked at his wife and daughter, more or less giving them the look of let’s do this. He went to gather the ingredients. Katheryn gathered the required cookware to make the food on the stove. Claudia gathered the cooking oil, utensils and plates. The three always enjoy cooking dinner together since it is a family effort other than just one person doing all the work. It usually takes the three of them working together about 2 hours to fix dinner. This is like clockwork most of the time and today isn’t no different and they sit down to eat and eat a wonderful meal. It was around 5:00 PM CST when they were [color=lightpink]”Oyakodon was a good choice to try out, mother,”[/color] Katheryn said, happily. “No problem, you should get ready for bed for tomorrow, we are going to go shopping for school supplies for you, since you go to school in 16 days,” Claudia said. “That’s a wonderful idea, she can even get her own book to read at the local bookstore,” Taro added, to what his wife said. [color=lightpink]”I really like that idea, dad. I definitely need more school supplies, since I used most of my coloring pencils all up last school year,”[/color] Katheryn said. She got up out of the chair at the kitchen table, and walked into her room to go to sleep. Her parents stayed at the kitchen table for awhile before they decided to watch some TV. [hider=Her parent's appearances] Claudia: [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/8601/f/2012/277/4/2/_drawing__by_ladypirouette-d5gt49v.png[/img] Taro: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/60/86/df/6086df525b7da824906d90665c405522.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] The Following day, she woke up on the August 1st, it was around, 5:00 AM CST is when she usually wake up during summer time since her schedule is not strict but she wants to have a good sleeping schedule compared to her childhood friend, who sometimes sleeps in class. She stretched a bit and got up and went to her computer desk to try to turn on her computer. She had a confused look on her face, it wouldn’t turn on at all. She couldn’t really figure out why. She went to her room’s light switch and tried to turn it on, it was in the on position but nothing. [color=lightpink]”What the…? That is a bit strange… I have never had this happen in this house before,”[/color] Katheryn said, a bit curiously. She walked out of her room and noticed nothing was stirring not even a mouse. She looked around for a bit. She didn’t hear or see the normal laughter or talking from her parents about certain things she has done in the past. [color=lightpink]“Mom, Dad? Are you there,”[/color] Katheryn asked, confused and a bit scared. She walked back into her room and decided to look outside of her window since she was a bit terrified in what is exactly going on right now. She opened the window and saw a Japanese home across the street of her actual home. She had a bewildered look on her face, she always wanted to see a Japanese home before, but not like this exactly. [color=lightpink]”This is out of this world, where am I? Don’t tell me I’m in a one of my favorite roleplaying games right now…,”[/color] Katheryn said, trying to come up with an explanation to this bizarre reality going on right now. Katheryn looked at her room, it is more or less the same but the outside world is definitely different so she might as well try to investigate it alike some of the games she have played. She walked to the outside of her room and wondered if there’s any other strange things happening. She couldn’t help but feel a bit lost without her parents guiding her way since they always protected her from all the horrible things with her ex-boyfriend. She slowly walked outside of her home and walked mostly to the side of it and looked to the rear of her home and was shocked to see a High Rise, and a farm house in the distance. Her look on her face was a bit worried in who lived in the Farm house. [color=lightpink][i]”What… the… hell? An Farmhouse & A high rise in the distance to the north of my home… Plus a Japanese home to my right… this is like a sick joke from whoever sent me that email,”[/i][/color] Katheryn thought to herself, thinking that is the only explanation to this entire dilemma of what the hell is going on.