I got the beginnings of my third rendition of the backstory for this version of Laz, plus a set of magic that I think should be good enough for now for the role I have in mind for him. [hider=Lazulin, W.I.P][CENTER][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e5/c0/1c/e5c01c3b641950a9391520e4e2642e1a--cool-anime-guys-anime-boys.jpg[/img] [color=Dodgerblue]“Well then. . . Let's raise some [i]hell[/i]!”[/color][/CENTER] [color=gray][b]N A M E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Lazulin Mulciber[/indent] [color=gray][b]A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]22[/indent] [color=gray][b]O R I G I N[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Homeland and Locale if applicable.[/indent] [color=gray][b]V I S A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Lazulin is a tall, lean individual, easily distinguished from a crowd by his long strands of silvery-white hair and his deep azure eyes. It used to be easy to classify him as a "pretty boy" as the soft angularity of his features leads to him being a rather attractive looking, if effeminate, individual. However, this handsome face is now marred by a large patch of burn scars that spread haphazardly over his face. These burn scars spread across his entire body as well, serving as a reminder of what the Ecclesiae has done to him. In regards to his attire, he often walks around in a dark cloak covering the majority of his form, beneath it being a somewhat stylish but mostly functional outfit. He often keeps his right arm underneath his cloak whenever possible, so as not to draw attention to it the strange black gauntlet that adorns it. In the side of his coat, there is a holster for [i]Twilight[/i], a magitech revolver that shoots out condensed bolts of Malum-infused energy from the Lacrima stored within the core of the weapon, which needs to be taken out to be recharged with Malum every so often. He also carries a large array of mundane knives of various sizes on his person, for when encounters tend to get more up close and personal than he generally prefers.[/INDENT] [color=gray][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Laz is generally a fun-loving soul who enjoys playing a good prank or three on those around him, using his wit and charm to lower people's guard before striking with certain humiliation. While most of his jokes can be considered in the name of fun, he does have a tendency to go a tinge too far at times, especially if the target in question has done something to irritate or anger him recently. Laz's temperament can best be described as that of a low burning flame, in that he isn't the type to go over the top with his anger, but instead holds a grudge against the offender in question until he feels like they either have proven themselves worthy to be forgiven, or he has been able to enact an appropriate punishment upon them. When it comes to the current government, however, you'll find few others who hold such a deep-seated and burning hatred for them as he does, So great is this anger, as well as his desire for vengeance, that he treats everyone involved with the system to be corrupt until proven otherwise, and often has little hesitation in dealing out his own brand of justice on them for their supposed crimes, be they present or future ones. [/INDENT] [color=gray][b]L I F E E X P E R I E N C E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] Laz used to believe that he was a normal kid. That he had grown up under the tutelage and care of his mother, Nirvelli Mulciber because she had been given a second chance after a dangerous affair led to his father being banished. He used to believe in a lot of things. But then, a demon wiped all of the deceptions in his life away, grinning as it stood over him in all of its horrid glory, the black and red flames that danced around the creature a testament to its destructive power. The demon enlightened him to the nature of the Ecclesiae's deception, of his betrayal at the hands of the woman he thought was his mother, the indignities and horrible experiments he'd been put through, and how he'd been fit for only death[/indent] [color=gray][b]E L E M E N T A L A F F I N I T Y[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Malum[/INDENT] [color=gray][b]A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] [b][u]Well of Souls:[/u][/b] A magic born from intensive studies into the nature of the human soul and general necromantic knowledge on the interactions between it and the ether that courses through the world. Through the application of spiritual runes, ritualistic gestures, and whispered words of power to shape, control, and direct the flow of malum energy to the soul of the target to achieve the desired effect. In the most basic of terms, this magic allows the user to exert some form of influence over the souls of those affected by it. The applications of this can be rather broad, as it can either be an effect target towards their mental state(causing them to see terrible hallucinations or making them feel inclined to do whatever Lazulin asks them to do) towards aspects of their physicality(causing imbalances within them that causes sudden illnesses or dysfunctions via the injection of more necrotic energies into their body through the connection to their soul). But beyond that, this magic can be used to not only dominate the wills of others, essentially turning them into slaves entirely willing to die for him(provided that their wills are weak enough for total domination) but it also allows him to bind souls together. This process is one that allows the recipients to share everything, be it pain, pleasure, emotions, thoughts. Not only that, but such a connection, while instigated by magic, cannot be completely severed by anti-magic measures, only subdued and smothered, but still very much present. This magic doesn't just affect the souls of the living, however, but also the remnants of those both recently and long dead. Through the use of the necromantic elements of his magic, he can harvest the energies of the dead(and the living, though it requires direct contact) which can then be used to fuel other spells that Laz might wish to cast or, with slight tweaking, also be used to provide some measure of healing, though it's much more of an emergency measure than anything else. Malum is an element unsuited to the task of healing and as such, the healing provided by this magic is rather limited. A more recent use for this interaction with the Etherial remnants of living beings, however, is to perform readings on objects and places, allowing him to gain some form of information from, be they detailed retellings or just vague emotions and flashes of disjointed memory, depending both on how long the person had been dead for, and/or how much of their ether is still died to the area in question. [u][b]Hellfire: [/b][/u]A form of Malum magic he created through his experience with demonic energies, he can create a cold burning flame of black and blue that feasts on Ether for fuel. This makes this magic fantastic for breaking down magical defenses and wearing down opponents, as well as being a fairly useful counter-offensive to block or weaken enemy spells. It also serves as Laz's main form of direct offense, blasting bolts of the dark flame at his foes if they get too close to him, or using it to enhance the striking power of his weaponry. Given that it burns Ether for fuel rather than wood, yet still carries with it the burning power of flame, this also makes it an effect method of area denial, as it will form a wall of fire that will slowly expand over time, devouring all the magical energy it can until it becomes too large to sustain itself or is dispersed by a strong enough surge of Sanctum magic. The flames also tend to move a bit differently than normal flames due to their differing fuel source, often spreading in the direction of the closest sources of Ether in order to fuel themselves. Not only that, but the flames don't spread nearly as fast as actual flame if not being actively manipulated by Laz to do so. While Sanctus is the most effective method to put the flames out, any form of purification magic will do, though those of other elements, particularly Malum and Ignis, will have to expend more magical energy to accomplish the feat. Not only that, but the flames themselves will eventually burn themselves out, as they will eventually reach such a level of glut that the Malum energy binding it together simply breaks apart under the strain. This causes the flames to simply disperse into thick black smoke. The amount of ether that a flame can generally absorb depends on the size of the initial flame created, so the larger the flame that Lazulin makes, the more magic it can devour before it burns itself out.[/INDENT][/hider]