[hider=Anasazi] [hider=Armor][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/scF1Y0L.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Anasazi [b]Age:[/b] 300(Physically Appears 18) [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Valkaan [b]Culture:[/b] A militaristic society Valkaan’s hail from artificial ancestry. Formerly, a slave class of an ancient race their liberation came at the death of their creators. With their forefather’s planet and technology as spoils of war; the fledging species quickly forged their own society. Though liberated from their role as slaves, Vaalkans have adopted a rigid caste system. Sitting atop this hierarchy are the nobility, rich and powerful they reign over the lower castes. Those born into the lesser classes know only hardship. Having traded one tyrant for another they; nevertheless, soldier on. While success can propel one upward through the ranks they will never become nobility. A fact that has led to endless frustrations amongst motivated Valkaan’s whose desires transcend their station. Still, it is possible to pursue an easier life than the lowest caste such as laborers. Essentially, the destiny of its citizenry is decided at birth. Life beyond this toil consists of socializing, building a family, or, simply living in the bubbled domes that make up their cities. Most Valkaan laborers resort to drinking or gambling as a distraction whilst others imitate the excess enjoyed by the nobility. As diverse as the lifestyles they lead are, Valkaans almost universally follow a central tenet. Due to a mixture of inborn instincts and socialization Valkaans are a rather militaristic culture. They value loyalty and order above most things and revere authority figures, even non-valkaan ones. Surprisingly, these tendencies have made them popular with others races. It should be noted; however, that outside of the Valkaan nobility they are not servile. Valkaan respect should never be mistaken for cowardice, and they will be all too happy to clarify. After inevitably reaching the stars the Valkaan have since then spread out. Though other races tend to look favorably upon them they prefer isolation. This aversion is due to their people’s slow breeding rate, making the cautious of outsiders. In fact the Valkaan nobility has even gone so far as to “grow” new workers from harvested Valkaan embryos. Once they’ve reached adulthood and sufficiently programed, they are then assigned a role. Some nobles have even begun “designing” Valkaans through genetic manipulation. [b]Racial Features:[/b]To the planet Balkas science bequeathed Vaalkans, former beasts of burden for a long deceased civilization. A slowly aging race, heavy augmentation by their progenitors has bestowed them with a varied range of appearances. From scaled protrusions to bestial appendages, their varying forms afford them the luxury of a visual distinctiveness not owned by many. Even within this diversity, however; there are commonalties amongst the Vaalkan people. On average Vaalkan males stand pitifully at 5”0, unlike Vaalkan the 6”0 females. Males are typically lithe with whereas their counterparts are muscular. They are also largely intelligent, as they were designed to operate their creator’s instruments. [b]Appearance[/b][hider=Anasazi][img]https://i.imgur.com/QaM60Jn.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Occupation/Concept[/b] An essence researcher turned mercenary. Anasazi no longer slaves under the weight of a corrupt caste system. Opting instead to become a mercenary and continue research on his own terms. At times he will serve as a bodyguard for whoever is willing to pay him, be they benevolent or wicked. [b]Training:[/b] [list] [*][b]Essence Researcher:[/b] Owing to his tireless devotion as a student of the arcane, Anasazi is a master in the field of Essence. [*][b]Mechanical Engineer:[/b]From ships to droids Anasazi is a capable technician and inventor. His sway with technology is so great that even unknown tech eventually reveals its secrets to him. [*][b]Magitech Expert:[/b] Pairing his knowledge of essence with mechanical proficiency. Anasazi is an expert in the field of magitech. [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/WxjZiP2.jpg]Ghastly Avatar:[/url][/b] Conceived by coalescing sorcery into a humanoid shape. “She” or “it” is his principle weapon. Ghastly Avatar is an oily beast with a womanly upper-half, ending in a serpentine bottom. Commonly anchored to Anasazi’s shadow it serves as a substitute for conventional weaponry. By channeling raw essence through his avatar the creature then utilizes it as a destructive beam. With, but a fleeting thought from Anasazi, or when heavily damaged, she retreats into his shadow. [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/Lc9uDqR.png]The Dire Mother:[/url][/b]Birthed from a wedding betwixt magic and alchemy she is another one of his creations. A many- tentacled chimera slathered in viscous green goo cast in a humanoid form. Mother’s deadliest assets are the vile energies that made her. Mother exploits these necromantic forces either as bolts, a withering touch, or breathing deadly fumes. Her body can likewise absorb such energy, but divine powers effortlessly overwhelm the abomination. Other magic or physical attacks such as that of an elemental nature may wound the creature as well, though its effectiveness is cut in half. Fortunately, she possesses a gelatinous consistency and may easily shrink away into ooze if heavily damaged, or dismissed until summoned fourth. [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/3Yeqbo7.jpg]The Withered Childre[/url]n:[/b] With tooth and talon abominable things claw from the ether. Born from magic these darkly hued pygmies fly upon ragged wings. Bathed in a wispy miasma he exploits them as projectiles. Whenever they collide with Anasazi’s prey their bodies’ combust, releasing a sickening haze poisoning their immediate surroundings. [*][b][url=https://imgur.com/a/jxLWueh]Erosion:[/url][/b]Corpulent tentacles made real by magic’s might slither fourth. Plastered in masks, all painted alabaster with a pulsating underbelly they serve as a melee weapon. Coated in corrosive energies they dissolve most metals, and weaken essecence they come into contact with. He can summon at most six. the tenatcles are meant for melee so nothing longe ranged. They must be channled. [*][b]Essence Empowerment:[/b] A spell meant to temporarily empower magical, psychic, or, physical abilities through a green hued aura.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/E9jD5rj.jpg]The Lord’s Robes:[/url][/b] A gargantuan suit of mechanized armor painted gold. Standing fearsome at 8”0, this broad-bodied behemoth serves less as an offensive role and more of utility. Besides its obvious durability, it houses an onboard computer with a PDA function. Forever basking in a translucent yellow aura, this golden sheen reduces the effectiveness of magic/psychic oriented attacks or effects. Should he choose to do so, Anasazi may spread this effect outward to shield a small team. This protection doesn’t extend to attacks of a physical nature. For kinetic forces that threaten him, he instead deploys a dome shaped force-field that repels physical attacks. This shielding fails after taking ten directs blows and must recharge before reactivation. [*] [b]Teleportation Implant:[/b] A device that allows Anasazi to return to whatever point he’s recorded. He can only visit places his teleporter has scanned. [*] A universal language translator implant [*][b]Arcane Encyclopedia:[/b] An implant and analyzer of unknown magic. Though, it doesn’t allow him to mimic the foreign substances only to understand their properties. It also categorizes different forms of mysticism and rituals for later study. [/list] [b]Airship:[/b][url=https://i.imgur.com/5k1HIa2.png]The Lord’s Throne[/url] Bizarrely designed to the point of seeming impracticality. The Sovereign’s Throne is an experimental stealth ship that utilizes magitech weaponry whilst also acting as a focusing point for essecence. After gathering esscence it is then used to empower the ship's armaments. [b]Motivation:[/b] Valkaan “upbringing” has left him wanting more from life. Deprived of the agency and freedom enjoyed by most Anasazi seeks his own agenda. Whether those are pleasures or creation, it is he who will make that decision. [b]Personality:[/b] From eyeless sockets twin radiant orbs casts a fearsome gaze over creation. Clad in armor, the valkaan exudes a terrifying aura befitting of his role as a bodyguard. Aware of the dread he inspires Anasazi prefers a stoic disposition. Best described as a silent sentinel he is ever-watchful of his clients and surroundings. Though dutiful in this task he is still approachable. Conversations may be shorter and jokes even rarer, but the welcoming nature lingers still. Clients are a different story as he is more prone to address them with reverence, even if they are unworthy of it. Partly responsible for this attitude is the respect for authority inherent to all Valkaans. Even if they may personally see that person as beneath them they are still respectful. Furthermore, he is aware that it is financially more beneficial to him. [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*][b]Frailty:[/b]Akin to the majority of Valkaan males Anasazi is frail. When it comes to combat he depends upon his creatures and defenses to compensate for his nonexistent martial prowess. [*]Anasazi’s ignorance of life beyond his craft has largely crippled him. His understanding of life comes largely from his PDA. [*]Despite his vast knowledge of mysticism he specializes in defensive forces and creation leaving his magical offense lacking. [/list] [b]Bio:[/b]Created as one of countless Valkaans destined to toil in mediocrity. Like all “manufactured” Valkaans Anasazi was given a serial number as opposed to a name. Originally Anasazi was thought to be a failure because he’d stopped aging at eighteen. Unlike his peers the valkaan hadn’t fully matured to his twenties. If not for the intellect he displayed when tested he surely would have been destroyed. Not only did he exceed expectations, but the young Valkaan showed propensity for multiple subjects than what he was originally intended. Mystified, but intrigued by this development they tested the “defect” further in such things as robotics and magitech engineering. Finding him more than capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of his class; the newborn was assimilated into the science branch. Anasazi’s existence consisted of tireless study into scientific advancement for the nobility. His research would see him studying the nature of essence for the eventual creation of powerful weapons. Unlike his overly eager peers who hoped to advance their careers. Anasazi despised his lot in life. Not out of some moral outrage, but anger that his designs would never be his own. Instead he was forced to slave away for someone else’s benefit. No matter how much he tried to put these thoughts aside these they still plagued him. Even his inborn instincts to respect authority failed to snuff out the disgust he felt at relinquishing his works. Eventually, the seed of resentment blossomed into rebellion. Plans of escape bubbled up, and on that day his plotting commenced. In secret he created tools and a name for the start of his new identity. It was also then that he began construction on a personalized ship under the pretext of designing an experimental craft. His intellect aided by a natural charisma convinced his superiors of this lie. He’d even completed the mechanized suit of armor that would become his signature. He’d been successful in hiding the machine suit alongside a few of his other inventions. It was around that time Anasazi began experimenting with essence to create “things” that were both alive and yet not. It was on the day of his escape that his exalted status revealed itself. Powers that he’d never realized the full capabilities of as before they’d only been simple test. It was only until his superiors and peers wanted a demonstration of his esscence research that he realized his true potential. From nothingness flew hungry things that devoured his peers and supervisors. Astounded, disgusted, and, intrigued all at once the “young” Valkaan aspired to expand these gifts. After fleeing the scene he’d “removed” some guards and fellow scientist before retrieving his suit. With his suit and the mystical forces at his command the valkaan fled. After taking the name “Anasazi” he became a bodyguard. [b]Extra Info: Dragon Blooded Anasazi's Theme [/b][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4aIJrN7JyE[/youtube] [/hider]