I should leave a sign-up sheet behind for Jones, since I'll be using him in almost every situation if anything's needed. * [b]First and Last Name:[/b] David Jones * [b]Age/Gender:[/b] 33/Male * [b]Appearance:[/b] Jones is an officer of average weight with short brown spiky hair that spikes upwards. He tends to wear the PD uniform a lot of the time, which consists of a teal blue shirt with a dark blue necktie, with his rank and name on his arm. Finally, his pants are a dark grey, supported by a leather belt. * [b]Personality:[/b] Jones is a generally easygoing officer who cares about his colleagues, despite being on the force for a number of years. His hobbies usually consist of fishing and hiking, but he always puts his work ahead of his pursuits in life. He was once a mere small-time officer like Ramirez, but has managed to earn himself a promotion and become a full-time detective. Although he has a fear of being demoted whenever King gets upset, he does his best to keep King happy and out of his way. He's also not afraid of getting angry at the higher-ups, but is terrible at lying to them. * [b]Strengths:[/b] [b]Good:[/b] (Logic) Jones is relatively good at piecing pieces of the crime together, especially during killer confrontations, but is only average at coming to conclusions outside of them. [b]Great:[/b] (Sympathy) Jones is very good at being sympathetic when it comes to questioning witnesses who don't deserve any wrath. They're more likely to give him a lead or some sort of information without having to be pressed too far. * [b]Weaknesses: [/b] [b]Bad:[/b] (Lying/Bluffing) Jones is alright at telling lies, but falls flat when it comes to bluffing to the higher ups, especially if the person he's trying to lie to carries some financial importance. [b]Awful:[/b] (Temper) Jones tends to get carried away with grudges on some people at times, especially when it came to Tony Marconi. If someone who's against the law slips away a couple of times, Jones tends to start seeing it as if that person's responsible for everything. * [b]Preferred Method of Interrogation:[/b] Jones will usually act serious when it comes to questioning people, but will get angry and forceful if someone lies to him. Whenever he gets angry, people who initially lied to him tend to lose their cool and will give him what he needs, but people who manage to stand their ground are immune from his anger. * [b]Preferred Mode of Transportation:[/b] Jones has a driver's license, so he'll usually drive in the PD-mandated police car. * [b]How long have you worked as an Officer?:[/b] Jones has been working at the PD for 6 years.