[quote=@Brithwyr] "Looking for a magic artifact. Was told it would be here" she said candidly. [/quote] [hider=X][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/93/90/77/93907713eaf950b74756794a0e34d589--fantasy-characters-female-characters.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=8e9db6]"OOOooooooh..." Escaped from her voice with genuine but unenthusiastic tone. "And what would that be I wonder... My orb, which I use to see things...?" She asked, her whispering voice almost permeating in the room. Her rocking chair began to turn to face Siiga. In her hands was an orb with mystic blue lights whirling within it. If Siiga stared too long at the orb she would be mesmerized by its alluring mystery. "Now who would tell you such a silly thing would be here? Hmmm?" She looked at Siiga with a warm smile. A harmless woman she appeared to be. Merely sitting in her chair atop a fur and surrounded with pottery plants with large hanging fruit.[/color]