Orchid grunted as the other goblin had tried to convince her into some sort of partnership. She didn't care; in a few minutes she was going to betray all of them. She just kept focused on the dangers ahead. And sure enough danger came. Two lizards jumped towards them spitting some sort of sickening glob from their mouths. Orchid didn't need to know much about them to know she didn't want to get hit by them, so she jumped out of the way. More globs were launched at them so now Orchid knew these lizards could spit some sort of acid or poison. Definitely not good for her health. [color=firebrick][i]"Maybe if I can capture one, I can tame it somehow."[/i][/color] Orchid saw two of them running away so she decided to chase the last one. Hopefully she doesn't run into any more trouble, otherwise she'll have to try and talk her way out of it. Assuming these things could even understand her. Either way Orchid gave chase though she had already lost the little lizard. She kept looking though; either she'll find the lizard or the lizard would find her. [@Rune_Alchemist]