[hr] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d27ab5e7-ae00-4588-bcef-305ed7c8427f.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Atrophy] [@FernStone] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse - Mason Square[/code] [hr] One hell of a freak show, this was. Here Paige was, invesigating an abandoned farm with a truckload of people, most of whom she barely knew, in order to learn more about a psychotic killer who was apparently specifically targeting the group of them because they had weird tattoos and magic powers. This was too detailed to be a dream and shared among too many people to be a hallucination, leaving only the conclusion which seemed the most unlikely: that all of this was real. One notably frustrating element of this whole business was that Paige herself still had nothing. In conversations she'd had since the incident at the cafe, she had mostly caught up on what had happened so far. She had also learned that almost everyone present was aware of some kind of magical talent, an "abstraction", that they were able to use. Meanwhile, Paige had nothing yet, but she still had to deal with the threat of being killed by Scott Reese. She was more vulnerable than even a normal human being, and while she wasn't about to have another outburst, she was not happy with the situation she was in. She supposed the most helpful thing to do right now would be to help out as much as possible; the more they all knew, the more likely it was that each individual among them would survive. As the group of them gathered in the farm, it occured to Paige she had mostly just been interacting with Jordan and Kimberly, who she knew somewhat better than the rest of the group. If the concept of her relying on these people to save her life was a reasonably likely possibility, she needed to be able to trust them, and they her. Isolating herself from them would not achieve either of those things, and besides, she had something she needed to do before proceding. Paige approached the blonde girl who'd come to the rescue at the Sucre - Penny, Paige thought she'd heard someone call her - and began speaking. "Hey, um, Penny, right? I just wanted to say-" without that flame of anger inside her like before, Paige's awkwardness in conversation was become much clearer. "-um, to say that I really appreciate what you did back at the cafe. I get that weren't really thinking of me when you came over, but you risked your life for the rest of us, and I might have died without you. Just, well, thanks." Paige realised, of course, that she would have to get to work soon, but she had no intention to be impolite towards the person who'd saved her life. With that in mind, she glanced over her shoulder at the girl who'd said she was going to the barn, and said "I''ll help, just a moment." Not intending to be rude, Paige would stay for Penny's reply, but then try to dismiss herself as politely as possible and get to work searching the barn for... something useful, apparently.