Bought Overwatch, found out I couldn't play it with my OS. Even WoW is upgrading to 64bit, so I'm screwed until I can get a new laptop. [img][/img] Still looks fun though from what I've seen of others playing the game. Will likely play it after upgrading alongside renewing my WoW sub. [quote=@Prawn] That's good enough for me, I much prefer a fun co-operative PvE game rather than PvP these days. Overwatch competitive has taught me that valuable lesson. People seem far friendlier in PvE too, in fact I can't ever recall a time when I had an adverse experience with co-operative play. But that goes without saying really since people need to work together. [/quote] But have you had to yell at someone who won't get out of the fire? :lol [youtube][/youtube] I find PvE far friendlier like you do, but both PvE and PvP are still toxic piles of game mechanics in the end. Whereas you have people trash talking/trying to roast you in an edgy tone/teabagging you for outplaying you in PvP, I've seen and heard people screech like a pterodactyl for someone not knowing mechanics or having awful gear in PvE. It's just PvE tends to have less of the toxicity compared to PvP.