[Center]Hello all, Aardvark back again and craving a specific fandom. Between waiting for the Winds of Winter and the final season of Game of Thrones, I am needing to scratch that ASoIaF itch. I have an idea for a roleplay style for this one, but I would like to work together on the plot in a PM. The idea I have is that we play members of an Original House in Westeros. A lowly Lord or Lady with a fairly decent castle. And work our way up the ladder of Chaos as the Seven Kingdoms are embroiled in war. Now, what war that is, we can discuss. It could be the Age of Petty Kingdoms, the Andal Invasion, Robert's Rebellion, etc. If you don't know what those are or your knowledge only goes as far as the show, please at least be willing to do a good bit of flipping through the wikia while we play. As for our specific roles, we can discuss that together. We can even both have a huge cast of characters, both leading their own respective houses in a sort of in depth 1x1 nation RP. Or we can stick to just two characters. I do enjoy and expect a fair bit of mature content, including war, battlefield gore, swearing, and smut as this is ASoIaF universe, so please be 18+. I expect atleast a couple paragraphs per post. Gender pairings are completely open. Let's discuss any kinks or limits to be aware of in PM. [/center]