[quote=@Sola] Bought Overwatch, found out I couldn't play it with my OS. Even WoW is upgrading to 64bit, so I'm screwed until I can get a new laptop. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/398867195955773440.png?v=1[/img] Still looks fun though from what I've seen of others playing the game. Will likely play it after upgrading alongside renewing my WoW sub. But have you had to yell at someone who won't get out of the fire? :lol [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMxW36WbW6M[/youtube] I find PvE far friendlier like you do, but both PvE and PvP are still toxic piles of game mechanics in the end. Whereas you have people trash talking/trying to roast you in an edgy tone/teabagging you for outplaying you in PvP, I've seen and heard people screech like a pterodactyl for someone not knowing mechanics or having awful gear in PvE. It's just PvE tends to have less of the toxicity compared to PvP. [/quote] This is the part where you're going to hate me. I main as a ret paladin (Alliance, human because I wanted to be Tirion Fordring) in WoW and more often than not I avoid one-hit kill mechanics (like the Iron Reaver's 'Blitz' charge attack in HFC) with Divine Intervention. I'll stay in, get the damage in and take that free immunity bubble, even though it pissed off the raid leader. But you're right, as someone who used to do mythic progression raiding, PvE can be just as horrendous when it comes to toxicity, especially if you're running with PUGs. LFR is notorious for this too, and any kind of LFG content since there's no consequence for being a toxic player. Back in the days of The Burning Crusade, you had to actually go out and meet up with other players out in the world, group up, form friendships and run dungeon content together. That's how a lot of guilds were formed, including my own. If you were a shitty person, you developed a reputation and that actually made it difficult for you to find dungeon content. Nowadays with LFG, there is no consequence. Just get kicked, hit the queue button and you're back in within fifteen minutes or so, even shorter if you're a healer or tank. Teabagging is silly though, I agree. It's like, come on, how old are you? Thirteen?