[quote=@Sola] Not to sidetrack the conversation, but I'd like to say I'm rather disappointed with the new "Battlefield V" trailer. I've been waiting for a remastered 1942 for years, and this... this just looks awful. Not that the graphics aren't stunning, but I struggle to think of what in the world was Dice/EA thinking when they decided to release this trailer to the public. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-x_2cAjT5Y[/youtube] [/quote] Huh, I didn't even know there was a new Battlefield trailer until seeing your post just now. Goes to show how late I am to the party when it comes to video game news and such. I haven't played a Battlefield game since...Battlefield 3, I think? It was fun to fly around in a jet but that's all I took from the experience. A remastered version of 1942 would have been great, because 1942 was probably the best Battlefield game. That said, I just don't have much motivation or interest for shooters nowadays. Haven't played a Call of Duty game since the first Black Ops title. If you're looking for a decent alternative to 1942, you should consider Day of Infamy. It often goes on sale and it's one of the most enjoyable World War II team based shooters that I've played in a long time. Think of it as an improved take on Day of Defeat: Source.