Tallulah had been downstairs in the clinic's office organizing the days patient files from those who visited the clinic. Taking a few notes in her own personal notebook of what each person presented to the clinic with and what was done, adding sidenotes of what she believed could have been done better or notes on things she noticed of the person's health that they didn't bring up in the event they came back. It was during this note taking process that she received the ping on her PDA from Vanessa who was just upstairs. Quickly finishing her notes she placed her small journal in her pocket and put the files away. Exiting the office, Tallulah shifted into her small fox form and ran to the meeting room. Using her small fox form to evade Vas as best she could. When she got there, as she was one of the first to arrive, she simply jumped up on the table and laid down in fox form until more people arrived. When others did arrive she hopped down and shifted back, joining the circle of people. At first the small girl just listened and watched everyone else, taking in everything and all the information while bouncing on the balls of her feet, her tail swaying behind her. Her eyes ever so slightly widened at Joe's idea for Plan B, yes she had killed and would do so if needed but she didn't agree with just killing everyone. She only felt killing was the last option, for her at least. [color=#51C7AD][b]"I don't think Plan B should be killing everyone... I don't agree with that..."[/b][/color] She informed the group, [color=#51C7AD][b]"Just disabling them by knocking them out or something seems like a better option."[/b][/color] She knew she was a minority in the not killing but she felt the need to say something. That is all she said though in the mean time, for the rest of the meeting she'd stay quiet as she typically did unless providing ideas in her areas of expertise. Plan making and tactics really weren't her thing, so she just listened and took in all the information.