[quote=@Inkarnate] World of Warcraft stopped being fun after Lich King. Come at me. [/quote] Given what happened with Cataclysm? Yes, I would agree wholeheartedly. They messed a lot of things up with that expansion, and I don't think you'll find many who'll disagree with you on that here. The game has never been able to rekindle the magic it once had, and I reckon that Blizzard have admitted as much to themselves. Raiding for example, I miss the days when you had 10-man and 25-man heroic raid content. You could be a smaller guild or a much larger one and be able to experience heroic progression, but because of the new enforced 20-man only mythic system, you're screwed if you came from a 10-man raiding guild. But if you're from a 25-man raiding guild (which Ion Hazzikostas was, funnily enough) then all you do is bench your five underperformers and go straight into progression. But 10-man groups had to double their numbers, it's what made retention difficult and was one of the factors which led to my guild's raid team disbanding.