[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180524/e19cc713eb8972f9f29c8d3113d08ab0.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SQh4I7f.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/eaedeb0e1bd3de67f7d87aa42626bcf7/tumblr_inline_o1he7dqArn1rifr4k_500.gif[/img] [sub][color=08a5dd][b]Mason Aspen[/b][/color] and [color=d7ffab][b]Laurel Evanson[/b][/color] [color=slategray]A [@Melissa] and [@Universorum] Collab[/color][/sub][/center] [hr][hr][indent]Mason honestly didn’t have very strong feelings toward parties, one way or the other. They were alright! He liked to drink, he liked to socialize, and he liked to hang. They had their downsides, though. Sometimes, people were fucking assholes at parties; they fought, they yelled, they threw hands, they threw drinks — which wasted perfectly good alcohol, by the way — and they were just all around fuckers. In Mason’s opinion, the faults could be looked past, if the party had the right [i]ambience[/i], and the right [i]location[/i]. Luckily for him, this party certainly ticked both boxes. The ambience was there, from the dope lights beneath his feet that changed and reacted to each and every footstep, to the soft hum of music that followed him wherever he went. As for the location? He was on a super yacht, in the Pacific Ocean surrounded by his peers. It was a good party! It was chill, [i]maybe[/i] too chill, but hey he didn’t mind. He took a sip from the shot glass in his hand, filled with a bourbon of some kind that he didn’t catch the name of, and looked around the ship with a satisfied smile on his lips. This was a good use of his Tuesday! Sure, he could have done something else if he was at Dreamland, but it might not have been [i]something better[/i]. This was alright. He just needed a cute girl to talk to, and things would be lit. Laurel was not exactly thrilled with the situation at hand. Sure, things could have been worse, but walking around a party only in her bra and underwear was definitely not ideal. She and Olivia had departed the game room only a few minutes previous and were beginning the man-hunt for their articles of clothing. The hoodie that Honey had gifted her wasn’t exactly made of the best material for its purpose so she tied the sheer fabric around her hips to somewhat cover up her bottom half. Laurel had a sick feeling that this was some Senior trying to put the Junior girls in their place, but she couldn’t be sure until they found the culprit. Her pace quickened, the blonde girl tried to survey the crowd of people quickly to see if anyone was holding their shirts and skirts. With no avail, Laurel turned around to tell Olivia, but just like their clothes, she had vanished. Great, not only was she nearly naked, but she was now alone! In a huff, Laur spun around to go find another room to look in, but instead of gracefully continuing her search, she slammed right into someone- a tall someone. [color=d7ffab][b]“Oh shit, I’m so sorry.”[/b][/color] The blonde apologized profusely, feeling like an absolute idiot for not watching where she was going. Mason very suddenly stumbled forward, watching as his drink spilled out of his shot glass. He spun around on his heel to tell the person that it was alright and not really a big deal that he’d been ran into. However, once he turned around to see a girl in the absolute bare minimum of clothing, and he raised his eyebrows. [color=08a5dd][b]“No big deal. You’re not wearing any clothes, I see. I dig it.”[/b][/color] He held out his shot glass, shaking it to rattle the ice, and show that there wasn’t much drink left in it. [color=08a5dd][b]“Normally, I’d say let’s drink to that, but, it seems like I spilled it for some reason…”[/b][/color] His lips curled into a smile, and he winked his left eye at her. Of course the very first thing this guy had to point out was the fact she wasn’t wearing anything! Nice. Replying to Captain Obvious, Laurel shrugged. [color=d7ffab][b]“It wasn’t intentional, but I appreciate the support. Strip poker game gone wrong….it seems we have a clothing thief on our hands.”[/b][/color] The blonde explained, running a hand through her straw locks. As he motioned to his drink which she made him spill, she sighed, a smirk popping onto her face. [color=d7ffab][b]“I wonder what that reason could be… but I’d be happy to get you another. The last thing I would want to do is deprive a man of his bourbon.”[/b][/color] [color=08a5dd][b]“A classy woman. I like that.”[/b][/color] He chuckled to himself, and with his free hand pulled the zipper down on his jacket. Unlike the sort of, sort of not, hoodie-esque piece of fabric she wore now, his jacket was closer to being a Carhartt, thicker and warmer. He peeled it off and handed it to her. [color=08a5dd][b]“Here, don’t freeze to death before I get my drink, yeah? You can keep it until you have your clothes back. Just make sure you give it back.”[/b][/color] Laurel was a little taken back that a random guy would just give up his jacket- especially since she had just slammed into him and spilled his drink everywhere- but nonetheless, she appreciated the gesture. Slipping it on, she absentmindedly inhaled the manly musk of cologne coming off of the jacket. It was woodsy; she liked it. [color=d7ffab][b]“Smart logic. Thanks.”[/b][/color] She stated, a small chuckle escaping her lips. Laurel didn’t zip up the jacket though... after all, she did play strip poker for a reason. The blonde nodded towards the bar indicating for the mystery boy to follow. She had probably seen him around school, but then again she didn’t really try to make the effort to get to know everyone. [color=d7ffab][b]“Another bourbon?”[/b][/color] [color=08a5dd][b]“Damn skippy. My dad would have my head if I drank anything else, champ.”[/b][/color] He said as they headed toward the bar together. Mason glanced her up and down again, which may have seemed like he was checking her out, which was only half the truth! He was trying to place a name to her face, which he quickly found impossible. Deciding to mentally blame it on weed, Mason went ahead and asked. [color=08a5dd][b]“So, what’s your name? I’m Mason. You may have seen me around campus, or on YouTube doing something dumb. Well, ballsy; but I’ve learned that sometimes ‘ballsy’ and ‘dumb’ are synonyms.”[/b][/color] The girl turned to the bartender, propping herself on the bar, [color=d7ffab][b]“I’ll take a bourbon on the rocks and a vodka tonic. Thanks.”[/b][/color] Laurel stated curtly, and watched as their drinks were beginning to be made. Looking over her shoulder at Mason, she smirked as he described himself. [color=d7ffab][b]“No I haven’t, but from what it sounds like, I’ve been missing out. I’m Laurel, and as you may probably guess from my lack of outfit, I air on the ballsier side of life.”[/b][/color] The blonde replied, handing him his drink as soon as the bartender slid it down the bar. He took the drink and sipped from it, nodding in agreement with her. [color=08a5dd][b]“Oh, trust me. You have been missing out. Tons of wild stunts, high jumps, going fast, and the bare minimum of safety gear. I’m living the high life. Hey, maybe sometime you can come watch a live demonstration?”[/b][/color] Mason asked, as he tipped the glass to his lips to take another sip, smacking his lips afterwards. [color=08a5dd][b]“Man, they have some [i]really[/i] good booze on this ship. Long live the Helmsleys.”[/b][/color] [color=d7ffab][b]“Nothing like seeing people make dumb decisions live.”[/b][/color] Laurel laughed, reaching for her Vodka Tonic which had just been placed in front of her on the bar. Taking a large sip, she relished the drink for all that it was, even though it wasn’t much. Looking over to Mason, she nodded. [color=d7ffab][b]“This stuff is the highest shelf you could possibly get. Not your regular high school party, shit.”[/b][/color] She commented, taking another large sip of her drink. [color=d7ffab][b]“You probably need a cherry picker to reach this stuff on the liquor store shelves.”[/b][/color] [color=08a5dd][b]“You might be right, it’s definitely money.”[/b][/color] He said, sipping again. It wouldn’t surprise him if some of the aged alcohol that the Helmsleys had was excavated from buried castles, or something. He shook his head and smiled to himself, the idea of Brian, Becca, and Bailee digging around in the ground in Europe, searching for alcohol stores belonging to Kings from ages past. [color=08a5dd][b]“Anyway, thanks. You’re cool. Do you want me to hang while you try to find your clothes? Because I will. Gotta make sure you bring that jacket back, champ.”[/b][/color] He said, emphasizing his statement with another smile and wink of his eye. Laur smirked, [color=d7ffab][b]“I like to think I possess some cool qualities. You’re not so shabby yourself.”[/b][/color] She replied, taking the final swig of her drink and slamming it down on the counter. Letting out a deep exhale, she turned to Mason. [color=d7ffab][b]“Don’t worry, love, there may be a clothing thief on this boat, but I am certainly not a jacket thief. You’ll get this back as soon as I cover up my gray lacie panties.”[/b][/color] She stated, tugging on the bottom of the jacket for emphasis. [color=08a5dd][b]“That’s not going to work, you know.”[/b][/color] He said, holding up his empty glass and tipping it in her direction. [color=08a5dd][b]“You’re bringing up how lacie your panties are to get me to look, but unfortunately for you, my will power is too good for that. I’ll check you out when I’m damn well ready.”[/b][/color] He said, putting the glass down on the table and standing up. [color=08a5dd][b]“Let’s go find whoever stole your clothes, and duct tape them to the ceiling.”[/b][/color] [color=d7ffab][b]“Glad your willpower is strong, cause that wasn’t an invitation.”[/b][/color] Laurel responded, a smirk popping onto her face as she walked a few steps away from him and the bar. Her playful demeanor changed to confused as Mason offered to help find the culprit of the missing garments. Giving him an inquisitive look, Laurel paused her train of thought, [color=d7ffab][b]“You have duct tape? Why?”[/b][/color] He stood up and before he followed after, he glanced over his shoulder, giving a forlorn look over his shoulder to the bartender, who rolled his eyes but poured the boy another drink. Mason accepted it, and then wandered after Laurel, [color=08a5dd][b]“yes, I do. Duct tape is the most versatile, and useful tool in the world. With enough of it you can repair like, anything. So I always keep some on me. Go ahead, reach into the jacket pocket.”[/b][/color] He said, pointing at the left pocket. [color=08a5dd][b]“There’s some in there. Never leave home without it.”[/b][/color] Sure enough, when Laurel reached into the pocket of the jacket, she found a small roll of duct tape…. among other things. With a cheeky grin she pulled out something [i]else[/i] she found. Holding up the single condom she discovered clear as day, she laughed. [color=d7ffab][b]“I’m sure you never leave home without one of these either.”[/b][/color][/indent]