Yomiko didn't need to cast a spell to know that one of these vials was an alchemist fire. Just her luck: what better to fight a treant with than fire? As it attacked Yomiko, instead of running away she went closer, jumping off the stone work to avoid it's roots. She only had one shot at this; if she missed than she was going to have to do this the hard way. With roots behind her and the treant in front of her Yomiko hurled the alchemist fire at the treant's body before sliding between it's legs, narrowly avoiding getting herself crushed by it's mighty fists. The glass vial would shatter against the tree monster, and the very air would ignite the alchemist fire and set the whole thing ablaze. And yet Yomiko knew that this alone wouldn't be enough to defeat the treant immediately. It may find some way to put the fire out, or simple survive the burning. No, if she wanted to finish off the beast for sure, she needed to strike it's heart. Allowing the flames to build and grow on the treant Yomiko continued to play defensive until she saw the right opportunity. Once it made itself apparent, she lunged forward, her katana poised to pierce the heart of the treant once and for all.