So they meant to take over a small area that wasn't heavily guarded. Perhaps if they did that near Egypt, Ryssa would have her chance to slip away. It was as good an idea as any. Her eyes grew sharp at the mention of 'cute girls'. Oh, these fools. One was among them and if she played her cards right they would have no idea that she was there. A blessing for her, a curse for any other woman who crossed paths with these men. But the world was a harsh place, a fact that Ryssa had learned early on. The strong survived and the weak died. Picking at the wood of the deck the supposed man mussed in thought. "No one is keen on dying except the cursed or desperate and even then death isn't a common want." Rys stated in a harsh voice, though he shrugged absently. A slight smirk of a smile forming on lips the sea had roughed from their original delicate shape. "Though if you are so eager for women, surprised you haven't tried to attract the sirens of the sea. There are probably a few who would oblige you." For a fee however, nothing in this world was easy and nothing was free. The price to Egypt seemed to be costing Ryssa her nerves and reasonable people around her.