[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xkJVogV.png[/img] [color=ed145b][h3]~Isabella~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] In a rather cold seeming fashion, Isabella pulled the blade back from the beast's throat, watching it fall to the ground without concern. For a few seconds, she stood there as Valora and Prescott managed to finally pry open the door. [b]"Well,"[/b] Prescott whistled. [b]"That was...something, your highness."[/b] [b]"I'll talk to you about that fancy sword of yours later."[/b] Valora sighed, glancing over to the lifeless body of Tripp. [b]"Son of a...well,"[/b] She quickly turned her attention back to Isabella. [b]"Lets get this over with, but we need to proceed with caution. We'll give him a proper burial on our way out."[/b] Isabella nodded quietly, sheathing Valiant. Honestly, Valora had so many questions already about this place. Why was the door closed? Why did it smell like there had not been anyone here in ages? If the other party passed through, then it shouldn't smell quite so stale. Likewise...why hadn't the statue been triggered by them? She'd get her answers later, but for now she had to make sure Isabella didn't end up dead. [b]"Your highness, behind me if you would. Tripp, bring up the rear."[/b] Valora mentioned as Turnip trotted over. He had hid himself behind the rubble of the other statue during the confrontation. She reached into his saddle bags, pulling out two torches that had been doused in specially treated cloth so they would burn longer. Lightning the both of them with simple flint and steel, she handed one to Prescott and took the other herself. [b]"Quietly now."[/b] Valora spoke back to them as they stepped into the old ruin. [b]"Sword at the ready, Prescott. And keep your eyes peeled for traps."[/b] Isabella gave Turnip a reassuring pet on his nose before following Valora in.