Argus was getting coffee when his agency-issue phone beeped, indicating a text message from the containment department. He checked the message, reading it aloud to himself. "Car accident involving unidentified creature at [street address here], containment protocols broken, require memory scrub of all witnesses currently detained at the site." he gave a sigh and shoved the phone into his pocket before dumping the coffee down the sink and heading for the BOSA garage, stoppng at his locker to retrieve an FBI badge and clipping it to his belt. The Djinn strolled down a row of agency cars, stepping into his own vehicle; A black Ford Police Utility Interceptor which had been outfitted with the advanced technological and magical systems employed by BOSA. He drove out of the garage and drove to the scene as quickly as possible. Though he would never admit it, he was jealous of those supernatural beings capable of flight and teleportation. Argus inspected the scene of the accident from a distance as he approached, and A MPD officer attempted to stop the agent as he crossed the police tape, [color=a0410d]"Special Investigator Grau, FBI. We have reason to believe one of the people involved in the accident is a suspected terrorist and I expect full compliance from all officers on the scene. I'll need to talk to all persons involved personally and privately, and debrief all officers before they can leave."[/color] Before leaving to begin handling witnesses, he noticed the strange black substance on the car. [color=a0410d]"I want your men to stop touching that stuff, the details are above your pay grade but the materials the suspect has been working with may be toxic. Round up any samples they've gathered, but them in an evidence bin, and leave them next to my car. I'll have the boys back at our lab examine them, no need to put your people at risk. We've got special equipment for handling dangerous materials." [/color] The officer was startled and caught off guard by the rapid-fire instructions, but allowed the agent to cross before begining to bark orders to the other police at the scene. Argus approached one of the witnesses -based on his arm being in a sling he assumed it was the driver of the car, probably dislocated his shoulder when the airbag went off- and began to speak. "Hello there, I'm special agent Argus. I'll need to have a word with you in private about the accident, take a statement." the man nodded and allowed the agent to lead him aside from the others into a nearby alley. He looked out into the alley to the left to ensure nobody could see them before begining the process. [color=a0410d]"Nice to meet you sir, I'd just like to ask you a few questions and then we can let you go home."[/color] he extended his right hand to shake, waiting for the wounded driver to accept the offer befor transforming his right arm; the human skin and sleeve of his jacket melting away to reveal a four-fingered reptilian hand with boney claws. He tightened his grip on the man's arm as he seemed to enter a trance-like state for a few seconds. -------------------------------- Inside of the driver's mindscape, Argus stood in front of a seemingly endless row of picture frames containing moving images playing on a loop. [color=a0410d]"Why is it always pictures with these suburban types?"[/color] he asked himself, picking up the five pictures most recently placed on the shelves, he plunged the claws of his transfigured hands through them and a stream of glowing energy in multiple colors flowed from them, creeping up the Djinn's arm and into his mouth. Replacing the frames on the shelf, the color had been drained away and the images replaced with a scene of his car running into a street lamp, giving the police a statement, filing an insurance report over the phone, and calling a cab. ------------------------------- As soon as Argus was finished, his arm quickly shifted back into a human one;smokeless flames creeping up his skin and forming into his shirt sleeve, jacket, skin, and hand. [color=a0410d]"Thanks for your time sir, your cab should be here any minute. Probably shouldn't drive for awhile, you hit your head pretty bad during the crash. Probably have a concussion so things might seem a bit hazy.[/color]" he checked his watch; time elapsed for first scrub, ten seconds. He lingered in the alley for another minute to call a cab for the driver before returning to the scene. He dealt with the rest of the witnesses just as quickly before dismissing them; rather than completely replace the memories, he drained them of their energy and adjusted them to remove anything abnormal, matching the story of the driver hitting a street lamp. Before handling the officers, he called headquarters. [color=a0410d]"Get a tow truck out here, we've got a vehicle coated in unidentified residue."[/color] He sniffed the air, "[color=a0410d]Smells demonic, then again everything in the city does. I'm done with the witnesses, officers will be handled soon so make it a rush job. Never know when a later night jogger is gonna turn up and complicate things.[/color]" He began approaching the officers one at a time, starting with the ones who had made contact with the ooze. He fed them the same story as the drivers and witness; driver hit a street lamp and messed his car up pretty bad. Police were brought in to make sure he wasn't under the influence and check his car for illicit substances. They didn't find anything except a broken open bottle of engine oil in the trunk. His car was totalled so they had it hauled off to the scrap yard; taking special care to strip the firsto fficer he had encountered of memories of the lie he had told them to get into the scene, replacing it with a few minutes worth of usual business and arguments about jurisdiction. Once the witnesses and personnel had departed the scene, Argus leaned up against the nearest lamp to await the arrival of the agency car, lighting a cigarette while he combed through the collected memories for useful information before absorbing their essence.