The Creed picked up the strange message from the Oath of Sal-something or another. They couldn't quite unscramble the gobbledygook that came through their side, they got the gist. They attempted to send a message back. [table=bordered][row][cell]I am Captain Frye of the USS Creed from the United Federation of Planets. We can attempt to help and provide any assistance. If any of your people are in need of emergency medical attention we will be glad to have our doctors take care of them. If you will transmit your exact location and a list of damaged systems I will be glad to transport over a engineers, doctors, & any supplies necessary.[/cell][/row][/table] While waiting for the reply from the Oath. "Auditore you said you could rig up a portable holoemitter to a Hazard suit, correct?" Auditore responded affirmatively. "Get busy. I want at least ten engineers & ten doctors ready to go over at a moments notice." Auditore grumbled and got to work. "Computer have you ever heard of a God-Imp?"