[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] There hadn't really been any time for Youmu to actually explore the phenomenon known as fanart. Instead, she'd been far too busy keeping up with Yuyuko-sama, following her the entire time as they traveled around town. To be honest, she welcomed sleep after all of that. Especially given that she'd been trying her hardest... and she was going to sleep with Yuyuko-sama so close by. She'd been worried, before, that she would go to sleep concerned about her mistress, wondering if everything was going well, wondering if she was needed. But now, well... Yuyuko-sama was here. Youmu didn't have to worry about such things, because she could simply hear if she was needed from Yuyuko-sama directly. That, and, well, it was comforting to have someone she had known for so long in this world as well, for the duration of their stay here. It put the small girl more at ease. That being said, it couldn't be denied that Yuyuko-sama was also something of a rather silly person, and... well... she was sometimes a bit odd to deal with. That didn't mean that she wasn't thankful. And, of course, tonight... well, she was used to working at all times of the day and night, so Youmu was quick on her feet, swiftly preparing for the meeting. She didn't know how this whole 'video conference' thing worked, but it seemed quite simple in the end once she got there. They'd speak to someone else through a screen, who was somewhere else entirely. Only, when she got there... "H... Hinanawi Tenshi!?" exclaimed the white-haired girl, any semblance of politeness shattered in an instant. To think, she'd see [i]that girl[/i] here of all places! "I could ask the same thing of you!" Even if those around her weren't aware of the circumstances that surrounded Tenshi, they could certainly pick up on the fact that Youmu did not exactly enjoy learning she was present in this world. "I can't comprehend how anyone could entrust someone like [i]you[/i] with something so important!" [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze][@KoL][@Rin][@TheFake][@Crusader Lord]