[center][h1]Chapter 1: Run and Gun[/h1][/center] It was an empty night. Clouds covered the sky and painted it in dark grey, hiding the moon as well as all the stars. A gentle cold breeze brushed past the quiet streets, along with the chirping of crickets and the hooting of owls. No cars, no motorcycles, nothing. Just a silent, cold night like any other. Several soldiers clad in military vests were roaming the city. They had their weapons clasped tightly in their hands and held right in front of their chests, staying cautious of whatever could be in their surroundings. Their job was to patrol the city, making sure nothing [i]unwanted[/i] has been planned in the backgrounds. Lately, the government had been very aggressive when it comes to law enforcement, and the sudden existence of a large quantity of night patrol groups prove just that. I wouldn't blame them - With the recent series of continuous public attacks caused by the mutants, it would only be reasonable for them to create some kind of anti-measures to keep the civilians safe. But the mutants had their own agenda, one that clearly show they have no intentions of obeying the rules. On that night, a rebellion meeting was about to be held in a local church, and several mutants were invited to join. They were hiding in various locations around the city, but their destination was the same: The neighborhood's local bar, Luxury Liquor.