I personally have no issue with ERP, in fact I welcome it with the right partner. Granted I grew up with a mother who wrote Romance novels, so I was inducted early into the ~scene~ of erotic writing. Written my fair share of short eroticas and had some actually wonderful partners here on RPG in that department. The scene though is a bit difficult here since you do have to worry about younger writers on top of the usual finding someone you mesh with and has the same style and goals as you in that department. To me though it just adds another layer of filters when seeking out a partner in that slice of the RP world. Luckily I have a wonderful partner that caters to my personal tastes. Now I have wanted to do larger ERP's than your typical 1x1, or at least general Rps that cater a little more in that area but because of the rules here, I cannot. (Which honestly I wouldn't want to change the rules in that department, it it fitting for the general feel and age range that can be found on RPG.) That being said, I am kicking around the idea of branching out an upcoming Rp to by hosted not only here but on my groups private forum, a tandem RP if you will where the subject matters that are rated PG-13 get posted here and there is a ~blank holder~ post for anything R+ related which will be done out more fully on the private forum. If that will happen is yet to be seen but it is on the table. For now though, I do encourage the more mature members of my Rps to feel free to Rp out their ~behind the scenes ERP~ stuff that gets faded to black on RPG to Rp things out fully via pm's. Yes, a lot of it might be smut but it can lead to some wonderful character development that cannot be obtained fully any other way. I'm open minded about it. I have had bad partners in the past but bad ERP partners is like having a bad ex-lover. You can't let it taint future possibilities but in the same breath you have to feel comfortable, both people do or even all parties considered if you are going for more than 1x1. A free, open, and safe environment for all is a per-requisite. Safety is key and safe words are a must. That is beyond even your basic EPR level. Many of my Rps cross a lot of trigger lines, so I make sure in my rules that is addressed and people are aware that certain subjects will be openly discussed and rped out. There are my two copper pieces on the matter.