[color=gray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/B5vfwNc.png[/img][/center] 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕[hr] [indent][indent]Over a thousand years ago, the worlds connected by light and threatened by darkness underwent a terrible time of war, death, and carnage. A shadowy organization known as The Darkness went world to world collecting hearts and creating beings devoid of their light simply known as Heartless. They took all shapes and sizes and their forms depended on the world they were unleashed upon. however, regardless of the world and how strong the light, The Darkness overhwlemed it and nearly plunged it into a complete abyss devoid of any light for miles. In this time of great peril, it seemed as though all hope was lost. However, the last remaining keybladers banded together to put a stop to this darkness. There were four of them, each representing the four paths one's heart takes: Light, Darkness, Twight, and Dawn. These four, no matter how different in personaliy, appearance, abilities, and how they came to be, all represented the interests of the entire universe. They were the only hope to rid the worlds connected together of the darkness that plagued them. After long, hard-fought battles, it came down to them and The Darkness. With their combined strengths, they had vaquished the Darkness, but not without great cost. The one whose pathway aligned with Darkness was sacrificed to purge the worlds of overwhelming darkness. It was a sacrifice that was, if nothing else, a willing sacrifice. The Keyblader of Light's Darkness understood what needed to be done. And, as the worlds settled into a peace, an era of calm was restored. But now, ten centuries later, the same Darkness that threatened the worlds was making its return. And who will stop it? This is the story of four, young humans who, unbeknownst to them, will become the saviors of their time. But will they succeed like those before them did? Or will they succumb to the darkness? Only time will tell...[/indent][/indent] [/color]