Ramirez tilted his head up from the hood of his car as he got out, scampering over to Officer Charles before he addressed himself, "Officer Eduardo Ramirez, reporting for duty!" Now that his welcomes were out of the way, he passed an important keycard to Charles, fishing it out of his pocket. "It's a good thing you didn't try to open that door, Charles. You'll need one of these keycards to open the thing, all of the stock traders need one since the security in this city is air-tight," he replied as he passed it to Charles, the irony being apparent as a stock trader was murdered right from within this "safe" building. Jones was also out of the bus and had tried to opened the revolving door himself, but it simply denied his access and politely asked for a Class 1 key card, before he took one from Ramirez. "Sorry that I couldn't you get a Class 2 one, but those are only for the executives of this company and we're still getting the paperwork filled out on that," Ramirez stammered as he put the cards away, inserting them into the pocket of his black pants. With that in mind, it looks like it was time to fulfill King's orders before the body became contaminated. [i]Objective #2: "Get to the Stock Market, whether it's through a bus, a train, a taxi or a car." is now complete![/i] [b]Objective 3A Added: Find the victim’s body at the stock market and send it off to the coroner. Objective 3B Added: Search for any of the victim’s belongings around the body.[/b]