As Charles searched through the wallet, Ramirez would cut the body down from the stock machines after snapping a few quick photos of it from some angles and taking the body into a bag, at which point he would drag it off to be searched. Jones would quickly catch up with Ramirez, passing him the ID Card of Samuel Rye and asking him if he could search it for prints. Ramirez obliged and took the items away, leaving Jones to watch Charles look through the wallet. As he would do so, he would find a few dollar bills, Samuel's driver's license and finally, a Purple Chip, labeled for the Greene Casino in crisp, yellow print. "Hey, that's one of those high roller chips," Jones noted, tilting the chip around in his hand and tossing it up in the air to test its authenticity. "You don't really see a lot of these in the casino and for of these would cost me an entire week of my salary." He let a small groan, as even though his pay wasn't too bad, it could certainly use a bit of improvement. This most likely noted that Jones gambled once in a while, but he did get a peculiar idea from looking at the chip. "If our victim really was a gambler, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a look around the casino and see what we can find, unless you have more leads you'd like to check out here." He motioned towards the glass hallway on their left, which didn't require a key-card as they were exiting the stock market and not entering it, but would certainly require one if they were entering the market. [b]Objective 3A:[/b] Find the victim’s body at the stock market and send it off to the coroner is complete! [b]Objective 3B:[/b] Search for any of the victim’s belongings around the body is complete! [b]Objective 4A:[/b] Search through the victim’s wallet is complete! [b]Objective 4B:[/b] "Wait for Nathan's Autopsy to be completed" has been added to your book! [b]Objective 5A:[/b] "Go to the Greene Casino through the glass tunnel." has been added to your book!