[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/g72Skkg.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent][indent][color=silver][color=crimson][b]Chapter 1.[/b] [@vancexentan][/color] The hand of one of the criminals, along with some words had pulled him back in. That was until he anchored himself to the ground, ceasing his movements. Up until the butt of the man's gun had been pressed into his armor, SkyFall had remained silent, eerily so as he stared into the man through that dark, angry helmet. He spared the cherry blossoms outside a glance. [color=crimson][i]Another useless, inefficient Hero. Just like that man ...[/i][/color] Presently, SkyFall had two choices before him. Show his weakness by being poked around by a lesser-criminal or assert his authority as one of Shade Walker's chosen villains. He chose the latter. The attack was swift and fatal. Whilst holding the struggling hostage in one hand, he backhanded the disrespectful criminal with the other. If it had landed, the man would have been smacked with enough strength to send him flying and to bounce his brain around his skull. If not killing him than leaving him unconscious. [color=crimson][b]"If this [i]Hero[/i] would attack me with [i]one[/i] of your hostages in my hand, than he's no hero at all. If [i]any[/i] of you, and I do mean any, touch me again; I'll kill you myself."[/b][/color] He moved the hostage back in front of himself, a dastardly villain with not a hint of remorse in his voice. [color=crimson][b]"You're a careless hero, Number Seven. Don't you care for her life?"[/b][/color] As he said this he held the hostage out the door, his meat-shield screamed and floundered in his grasp. He was not afraid to test the waters, he was confident, if not eager to test himself against a [i]real[/i] hero.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]