"From what I can see, this lady is using AOE bombs shaped like squirt bottles to knock people unconscious." Talon conveyed to the girls. He stood atop the roof across the street from the lounge, looking at the front of the building. "I was beginning to wonder if you were gonna show up, Serpentine. Did it take you a bit too escape from your job or class or whatever?" He kept his eyes on the Batistress, trying to see if he could make this fast and just destroy her item before the girls arrived. "By the way, girls, I heard her yelling for us to hurry up. I think she had a grudge with us. Really don't want to take her on alone." ----- "They should be here soon." Rouge-Bat said for the umpteenth time. "Patience. They'll be here. Don't let him know but I already saw the eagle boy on the roof across the street."