[center][@Seraphin][/center] [center][h2][color=92278f]Crossing the Road[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [indent]It wasn’t a conscious decision to be lacking in certain emotion. Devlin’s inability to feel as much fear as other people was a product of the non-human half of her; that small amount of which was stirred when the oncoming bear horde started in their direction. Devlin also wasn’t too big on laughter, yet the more she got to know Ren the more amusing he became. It was just his overall demeanor that seemed to tickle her somehow. She liked it. But she had to suppress a smirk while he frantically signed for her to follow him into the catacombs and, of course, heading into the catacombs was the obvious course of action at this stage. That, or climb a tree, but climbing a tree wasn’t going to get her any closer to her long sought after prize. While Ren fled with the others like a frightened animals into their burrow, Devlin walked casually in their wake, even though she too was feeling a little anxious by the stampede encroaching from behind. Maybe it was a pride thing, like a man who insists on keeping a casual pace while crossing a road, even though he is only inches away from getting trampled by the fast approaching traffic of horses. Like such a man, the internal screaming for her to forsake her pride and run was causing her head to angle awkwardly as she kept to her strict, casual pace. The short walk seemed to take an eternity. She escaped being tramples by mere inches, as the stampede of giant bears arrived just an instant after she passed through the threshold and into the catacombs.[/indent]