The road is dangerous. A trope, a banality that he shirked in favor of gallivanting across the ruins dotting the Steadfast, crew of vagabonds and cutpurses trailing in his wake. Danger bowed to his every whim. His men knew this. They admired him, some in awe. Then the Beyond. Beyond civilization, Beyond civility, Beyond humanity. He wasn't ready for what he saw. Coming back alone, tattered, in rags, greatsword shattered in pieces that he placed in his bag and wouldn't let go of. Monument to his failings? Monument to his triumphs? Didn't know at that point, but knew that he would have to find help or die. Blacked out. Woke up, saw her face, face of a goddess, face of divinity. He tried to reach out, imbibe the glow she had, failed. She wanted to take care of him, make him whole. They talked, laughed, shared love sooner than later. Savored her, revered her like they revered him. But he knew. He knew what he had seen. He wouldn't allow her to get taken by it. Never. Left like a coward, a thief. Stole a kiss on her cheek before slipping out the back. Didn't want to be around. Would try to stop him, insist she go with him. No. No one could go. Doubted even he could finish it. Had to. ___ His leather gloved hands gripped the hilt of his battleaxe in a vice grip, eyes wildly scanning the cliffside for any other reinforcements. They had come again, their eyes glowing, hands laced with that same blue light that had been haunted him for the past year. Thankfully this bunch was weaker than the ones he had encountered previously and had an easy time dispatching them. A breeze flitted through the air, ruffling the nearly shoulder length ash brown hair of the axe-wielder, who looked around for a few more seconds before placing his weapon onto the sheath spanning across the wide frame of his back and sifting through his would-be assassin's belongings. "Always have something with you to blend in...yep." He found a pouchful of shins and other gleaming coins of unknown worth across the triage of bodies, pocketing the currency away before turning his attention back to the village visible from the cliffside. Lanterns burned late into the night, giving him hope for shelter. This far away from Sagus Hills or any other part of the Steadfast was dangerous territory, something he was all too familiar with. It would be nice to have a roof over his head. He proceeded down the path adjacent to the cliffside, descending into the valley where the village lay before spotting a sign indicating that he was in front of the local inn. Raul stepped inside, dark green eyes surveying the envir- He froze. Kari. Here? No.