Gloopra and Vrerr watched Anari go off on a tangent about a plan that, where Gloopra had been aboard for, Vrerr was also opposed to. As she stormed off, Vrerr looked at Kale again. "I apologise if I was not clear enough in my plan. I suggestion is to station a single Star Cruiser in orbit to act as a command center. To tell the people that we are here for their benefit, to oust the crime lords from their position of power. To re-iterate, if they do nothing to the cruiser, then they are telling the people that there is nothing that they can do. Their power is proved limited, their support wanes, they are forced into a dangerous position that will cause in-fightig, their support wanes even further." She said. "To make a long story short, if we make a grand guesture to the people and show them that they are not alone and that their oppressors are not invincible, then they will either have to make a move against a power that they cannot hope to match, or be torn apart from the inside. With any luck, the latter. If the former... Then they will reveal themselves, at the very least." She said. "That ship could end this without ever firing a shot." Gloopra sighed. He wasn't a tactician. He was a battlemaster. He had taken the oath put forward by Master Luke to fight the enemies of the Jedi, the oath to heed any call to battle for the light side of the force. He was essentially a blunt instrument in service to the Jedi and somewhat not technically a master. "Possibly... But not likely. We will have to put pressure on them by using it to perform inspections on freighters carrying slaves and drugs... Lord knows we can't raid anything else." Galactic laws prevented them from raiding craft unless there was reasonable assumption that contraband was present. Slave ships were easy to prove due to hundreds of life signs clumped tightly together and Spice left a specific signature that was easily detectable without the right shielding. It was mere technicalities, but in any case, this would help a lot of people. "I am going to prepare a speech for broadcasting across the holonet, reassuring the people of this planet that they are no longer alone. That we will see this planet prosper as a safe hubworld of activity, rather than the cesspit of scum and villainy that it currently is." She bowed to them before returning to her room. Gloopra sighed a little. "I apologize, Master Kale. I know that what I suggested was out of line but... Fighting is the only life I have ever known. Master Luke tried to show me a better way, he made an entire damn oath, just for me." He shook his head and sighed. "I wish I could be a real Jedi..."