[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Old Amsterdam][@Duthguy] After spending so much time mining in vain, Jason had decided to find other means through which to use his newfound power, an attempt that had Bourne rather valuable fruit. Through his attempts, Jason learned that his MP was not “created” with the golden glow he had come to recognize as Earth-elemental power, but rather the raw energy he focused on the rock seemed to enter it, suffuse it, and then “become” Earth aligned. Even more intriguing, the energy Jason sent into the ground returned to him like sonar, or echolocation. [quote=System:Jason] You are experiencing a fast rate of Skill Progression. [/quote] [Center]Soon, he would have a new power[/center] With a bit of time, the readings began to make more and more sense... until finally, he felt something... New... Somewhat like a mana crystal, but [color=green]different…[/color] Before Jason could ponder this new development any further, he saw a scaly shape slinking out of the pond. Could this be one of the lizards from the 'Alliance'? He wasn't sure, but he didn't intend to take [u][b]any[/b][/u] chances. His slimy form aggressively shuddering, readying himself to use [b][Stone Shot I][/b] [color=darkred]"Friend or Foe?"[/color] he hissed at the newcomer. [Color=00aeef]"Do you know if the others escaped?"[/color] Jason breathed a sigh of relief, this [b][i]was[/i][/b] one of the lizards from the gathering near the bonfire. [color=darkred]"I believe all of us made it away safely, however, since our sudden diffusion, you are the first to rondevous."[/color] he replied, [color=darkred]"I am Jason. I intend to create a conclave for our conglomerate here in this wall, but just recently, it has also come to my attention that there is some sort of... Object, in this wall, one of curious power. So far, my efforts to mine my way to it have been unsuccessful, but, with the acidic power of your venom, I believe we can reach it... Now, if you would be so kind as to fire some here..."[/color] he proclaimed as he marked the point on the wall nearest to his new discovery. After Rain shot a glob of acid onto the marked point, Jason would continue practicing sending his energy into the earth (particularly trying to target the newly discovered object) while he waited for the acid to settle. Once the acid subsided, Jason would experiment with using the his stone to mine into the now weakened section of wall, trying to manipulate his pseudopods for a better grip on his makeshift tool, as well as trying to throw his full weight into swinging his stone. After spending a short bit of time practicing, Jason would instruct Rain to fire again; repeating the process. Continuing to repeat this process until the duo reached about the halfway point, Jason recommended that they take a break and make sure that the area was still clear of goblin activity. Looking up at the ceiling, he noticed a small cluster of mana crystals, using [b][Stone Shot I][/b], he brought the cluster to the ground and proceeded to pick them up, a hallucination once again appearing. [quote=System:Jason] 3 Mana Crystals added to inventory [/quote] Beginning to patrol the area, Jason notice a lone goblin fighting a wisp.... This was the perfect opportunity to kill a goblin, without backup, it stood no chance. Right now, it appeared as if the wisp had just run out of mana, meaning that it was virtually dead already. Moving closer, Jason gurgled out a [b][Warcry I][/b] to grab the goblin's attention, before launching a [b][Stone Shot I][/b] at this new foe, consuming a mana crystal, then following up with [b][Stone Shot I][/b] two more times, consuming yet another mana crystal before racing in to finish the unfortunate goblin off.