She finished eating in her own time, pushing the dish back across the counter before heading to the back room where she knew there was a ladder. She threw her hair up as she walked, the green clip she always had on hand clashing with her copper coloured hair. "Does everyone else just let you walk in and do what you want?" "More or less if I'm fixing something," Kari replied, the old and worn metal screeching when she opened the ladder up. She gave it a push sideways, watching it tip, then right itself as the stabilizers kicked in. All good for her to go up. She climbed up, sitting right on the top of it, pulling the light panel out of the ceiling and onto her lap. It was some artifact that had been here when they bought the inn, Alandi had told her. It didn't usually have problems but every once in a while... Her fingers traced along the lines inside, trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. There was a broken connection and there was an oil mark right next to it- the oil had probably heated the line up too much until it disintegrated into drit. She buffed the spot out first before pulling out her tools. She heard the door open but paid it no mind- it was very precise work, if she didn't want to burn herself. After a few moments Alandi was back, having heard the door chime. The woman came into the room with a chuckle. "Well, hello there. Miss Karidhi, you have an admirer," she teased. "It's curiosity. Everyone wants to know what I’m doing when I'm up on a ladder. Hello," she said, still not looking, eyes focused on the work in front of her. "What can I do for you, stranger?"