[hider=Asteria] [center][color=F0E68C][b]Name:[/b][/color] Asteria [color=F0E68C][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=F0E68C][b]Species:[/b][/color] Adult dire rat[/center] [color=F0E68C][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] She is marginally smaller than the average dire rat and perhaps a tad faster for it. Her most notable characteristics are her soot grey coat of fur, her sharp and dangerous looking incisors, and her crystalline blue eyes. The shine of her coat almost makes her pretty. For a rat. [color=F0E68C][b]Goals:[/b][/color] Explore this new world, amass Power, and climb up the proverbial sociobiological ladder. [color=F0E68C][b]Past Life:[/b][/color] Born as Simone Raiford into an upper middle-class family with parents who had designs at more and an older brother Robert, who wouldn’t fulfil their expectations, Simone was groomed as a socialite. Although she did grow up to be an ambitious and gregarious woman, she always hated the pushiness and hypocrisy of her parents, who very much wanted to be considered [i]nouveau riche[/i] even if it meant riding on the coat-tails of Simone and their own long-since eclipsed accomplishments. Successful in school, she enrolled into a fairly prestigious law school and years of hard work got her into a position with enviable profits. Long since moved far away from her parents, the only thing she repaid their “generosity” with was a deposit the equivalent of the money they had spent raising her and a [i]polite[/i] but firm letter not to attempt any further associations with her. Remembering her brother fondly, Simone tracked him down and found him in a rather sorry state as an impoverished artist and a bit of a druggie. Although he was understandably skeptical, she got him to accept her help and friendship, and – him being pretty much the [i]only[/i] person she held genuine feelings of affection for – Simone remained in contact with him and kept him off the hard drugs at the very least. Otherwise, she spent her life living in a luxurious flat, enjoying her job (how could screwing over opponents [i]entirely lawfully[/i] and convincing everyone else you're right while at it not be amusing?) and her life. She had a lover with similar interests, a circle of people she went out with to various events and several hobbies to waste free time with. As fit and healthy of an individual as she was, she died quite early; in the beginning of her forties, due to indulging a vice of hers. She loved driving, dangerous roads or not, and speeding and racing were a thrill. She crashed and killed herself driving a beautiful beast of a motorcycle. Though she finds it a shame, she doesn’t particularly regret it. [center][color=F0E68C][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [b]Beast Senses III[/b] – a bundle skill applying to all physical senses. At rank 2: Passive sensory range increased. By actively focusing on one (1) sense, you can further increase that sense's sharpness. At rank 3: Senses are further sharpened. Passive senses are now equivalent to the enhanced sense of Rank II. Focusing on a single sense at a time will still enhance it, now to a level beyond that of Rank II. (Currently at 3.1). [b]Alert I[/b] - Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill. (Currently at 1.7). [b]Prehensile Tail (--)[/b] - Your tail has developed enough muscle and coordination that you can use it as if it were a fully functional limb--minus fingers and toes of course. Any stats, skills, items, spells, etc that could be used or applied by your limbs can, with a few exceptions, also be used by your tail. [b]Use Light Equipment (--)[/b] - The use of small tools, and lighter forms of armor, weaponry, and other items. --Due to your size and limbs as a Dire Rat, even some Small items may be too large or heavy for you to use effectively.-- [b]Smash I[/b] - A Physical Skill that consumes Stamina instead of MP. One blunt type attack deals increased damage! [b]Slash I[/b] - Expend Stamina to increase the power of a Slashing physical attack. [b]Faster II[/b] - Your need for speed has granted you a perception that is used to the ground beneath your feet turning to a blur, and the feel of the wind through your hair. Your raw stats grant you slightly greater speed than normal. At rank 2: Further increase your base speed stats and movement rate. (Currently at 2.45). [b]Stronger II[/b] - You have grown stronger through tough training! Tear muscles down, and rebuild them anew! Your physical power stats have increased! By gaining at least one rank of Faster, Harder, and Better, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning. At Rank 2: Further increase your base strength. [b]Monster Analysis II[/b] - Gain basic biological information about a monster by actively observing it. At rank 2: Gain more information about Monsters. Other analysis skills will further boost the information this skill provides, such as a creature’s capability with magic or its equipment. (Currently at 2.85). [b]Magic Analysis I[/b] - You may now analyze magical energies or objects to learn their most basic magical characteristics. Less effective on Materials and Monsters unless they are magical in nature. (Currently at 1.55). [b]Plant Analysis I[/b] - Basic field knowledge of botany. At this Rank, using this skill only grants you "generalized" information. (Currently at 1.7). [b]Dextrous II[/b] - Your practice with fine manipulation and using your forepaws, as well as the natural physical strength of a Dire Rat, has earned an unusual skill for your species! Your paws can now be used to manipulate small objects and tools, though you still aren’t strong enough yet to “wield” weapons or pick up very large things. RANK 2: Despite the limitations of your species, you have continued to develop skill and coordination in your digits! You can now manipulate small things, relative to your size, just as well as a human hand or comparable limb with opposable thumbs. Slightly larger objects can be manipulated the way small objects could at the previous rank, but only if you have high enough physical stats to do so. Learning Equipment skills with certain weapons or tools is now less difficult despite your species' limitations! (currently at 2.475) [b]Poison Resistance I[/b] - Take less damage from Poisonous spells or skills, and have a better chance to resist this particular status infliction. By gaining at least one rank of all other status resistances, Skill Synergy will occur and grant you one rank of Status Resistance. By gaining further ranks in this specific skill, you will gain a choice of Branch Skills related to it. [b]Crafting II[/b] - Your knowledge and understanding of mechanics, workmanship, and other such things enable you to craft better items. The process of creating regular sized items is still an unknown to you, and your current species doesn't support many smaller items, but if you ever succeed in such a creation its Sub-Stat Enhancements will be higher than normal. Currently you cannot use equipment, and attempting to craft it will be much more difficult. RANK 2: Crafting Complexity Increased. Stamina Requirement Decreased. (Currently at 2.25) [b]Muffle II[/b] - This skill grants you the ability to be just a little bit better at being stealthy, with a focus on reducing the sound of your movements. At Rank 2: You are now even more effective at remaining unseen passively. Activating this skill by using Stamina will noticeably reduce, but not eliminate, the sounds of your movement. (Currently at 2.15) [b]Suppress Presence I[/b] - Using your magical power, you subtly mask your presence from the senses of others around you. By comparison, it's a similar ability to those shy people who seem to disappear at the corner of the crowd's vision as they hover in the corner. [b]Mana Sense II[/b] - Though this sense is still limited by the strength of your other senses, and it still interpreted in some way similar to the other senses (seeing auras, smelling traits of elements, etc), it is now a full sense in and of itself--even if you are blinded or deafened by some circumstance, Mana Sense can be used. Touching an object or creature under the effect of magic, whether its own or from some other source, is no longer required to sense the presence of that magical effect so long as the target is within 5 feet of you. Touching the target will still grant a greater level of detail. (Currently at 2.35) [hider=Rank I]You have sharpened your mental and spiritual senses as well as your physical ones. By focusing upon a single creature or object, you will be able to sense its magical nature in some fashion. Different creatures may perceive this aura in different ways--some may see a colored aura, others may catch unique scents, etc. This is not an Analysis skill, though it may Synergize with some of them. The range of this skill is limited to that of your other physical senses, though in some cases a mana signature may become easier or more difficult to detect depending on factors such as strength, amount, etc. By touching an object or creature, even if they are somehow suppressing their magical power, you have a chance to learn whether or not magic is present. At this rank, you must activate this skill in order for it to take effect. While active it will consume MP.[/hider] [b]Mana Drain I[/b] - You have experienced the flow of mana inside your own body, and felt the energy of other creatures being used upon you. Like siphoning water through a tube, this ability allows the user to draw the energies of others into themselves. By using Stamina, you will drain MP from an opponent and add it to your own. However, certain factors may come into play--you are not guaranteed to restore the exact same amount of MP that you drain. At this rank, in order to use this skill you must be touching the creature or object to be drained. While you are using this skill you cannot use any other spell or skill that is offensive in nature or requires complex movements. (Currently at 1.75). [b]Meditate I[/b] - By concentrating and calming oneself, increase the regeneration of Magic Power and Stamina. This skill cannot be used in battle. Any distractions in the environment will drastically decrease the effectiveness of this skill. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other Active skills. (Currently at 1.05). [b]First Aid I[/b] - Skill in using Healing items such as herbs or bandages. Increase the amount of HP recovered by yourself or allies when consuming these items, so long as you properly apply your knowledge and experience. Does not apply to healing spells. [b]Minor Heal I[/b] - The most basic of healing spells. In most cases, only surface level wounds are affected. Cannot cure diseases. May even accelerate certain conditions not healed by the body's natural recovery. Cast upon a single target within eyesight. [b]Telepathy II[/b] - Channeling Mana through thoughts creates Psychic-type abilities. At Rank I, this skill can only be used when you are in physical contact with another creature. This skill can only send simple thoughts or emotions. This skill is currently only one-way transmission. This skill is an Active Non-Offensive Spell and consumes MP. At RANK 2: MP consumption slightly increased. More complex thoughts and stronger emotions can be sent. One-way messages can be sent to a creature you have made contact with before as long as they are within 5 feet. When making physical contact with a creature, if they are willing they can send you a single return message. [b]Soil Manipulation I[/b] - An Earth Elemental Magic Spell. At this Rank, you may move up to 5 pounds of loose soil (sand, dirt, and powdered minerals, but not gravel, pebbles, or anything made of larger fragments) freely within a 10 foot radius around your body. Using this soil to create a shape or exert a larger amount of force consumes more MP, and takes 30 seconds at minimum. At this rank, created shapes cannot consist of more than one part, or be more complex than quadrilateral structures. At this rank, created shapes cannot change the quality of the soil (sharper, harder, etc) nor its color or texture. [b]Charisma I[/b] - Your personality is almost a magical charm unto itself. You’ll have greater luck convincing others to go along with your suggestions, but only within their own natural reasoning. This skill may not work on those with stronger Wills. (Currently at 1.15) Mental Resistance (0.1) Soil Manipulation (0.9) Overwork (0.9) Lesser Status Heal (0.1) Strengthen (0.3) Scribe (0.3) Spell Chant (0.15) Lesser Force (0.1) Stone Shot (0.3) Lucid Dream (0.4) Spiritual Awareness (0.5) Swift Swimmer (0.1) Alchemy (0.8) Tremor Sense (0.2) Throw Item (0.3) Stealth Kill (0.1) Material Analysis (0.4) Iron Gullet (0.35) Quicken (0.2) Skewer (0.7) Point Strike (0.4) Warcry (0.1) Mind Wave (0.2) Curse Word (0.1) Rabid Fit (0.2) Mana Gift (0.2) Blood Bead (0.1) Pierce Resistance (0.1) Counter (0.1) Slash Resistance (0.1) Charm (0.1) Dash Attack (0.3) Acrobatic (0.2) Breath Control (0.1) [color=F0E68C][b]Transformations:[/b][/color] Dire Rat -> Adult Dire Rat (currently lvl 9; 4 pts left over from last lvl up) [color=F0E68C][b]Inventory:[/b][/color][/center] Metal knife. (Tied to tail with vine - Tailstrap knife) Vine belt. Green body wrap. Clay jar, full of: Hex cat eye. Four horned goat horn. Tanned leather (1sq foot). Bloodingfly proboscis (ends in a hollow, sharp needle). Shared with Ed and/or Mother rat (stored in grass packroll): Mysterious gold coin, which can conduct (earth) mana. Stone hatchet. Rabbit skull staff. Bone necklace. Green arm wraps. Healing herb. 3 Nullven cones. Myrmindor parts; 3 exoskeleton plates (one with a hole drilled into it). Mandibles. Two legs. Stinger. [/hider]