Voice had been in the room next to the area that Vanessa had called a meeting. Her arm beeped, followed by a file from her, ignoring it as something for the missions. Getting dressed she choose her jean overalls and nothing else, after all there wasn’t really anything to exactly cover. An image flashed through her mind and she blinked a couple of times, marking it in her memory bank to go back to later. Picking up her holster, she strapped it to her waist and put her pistols in there. Walking out it seemed she was the last to arrive, taking a seat between Diesel and Vanessa. Spinning the chair around, she leaned against it, listening to Vanessa. Looking down, she absorbed everyone's response to what Vanessa had to say. Standing up, she went back into her room and came back with a teal datatape with a data jack in them. Standing next to Vanessa, she glanced at her for a second and did the same with Diesel, this was the moment she's been preparing for, since the group got bigger. [color=#FD0054]“I want to start this explanation with this, if you do not want the risk, I understand and im sure Vanessa will too”[/color] she paused thinking about her next words. [color=#FD0054]“You are my family just as much as Vanessa calls me her sister, and ive only kept this secret to protect you all”[/color] she pressed on her arm and a jack came out, plugging herself into the tape, her eyes glowed. [color=#FD0054]“I think you three”[/color] pointing at Tal, Joe and Avi [color=#FD0054]“might have had the idea, but no real basis to make the claim.”[/color] She turned and a projection fell onto the blank wall in front of them, starting a “power point” of sorts. Each clip was the memories of Mimi making her in SKs labs. [color=#FD0054]“Have you three ever noticed that i have no Aura? Or how i never let you heal me Tal? Avi i know you’ve had a suspicion and Joe...im not really sure how it missed you.”[/color] The powerpoint stopped on a freeze frame of a document called “Project A.N.G.E.L” zooming in so everyone could read it [color=#FD0054]“this is where i was born, I am an Artificial Intelligence, originally under the name ANGEL, I was suppose to fix the world, or thats what my poor creator believed when SK offered her a position. I was created with the purpose to fix pollution, help humanity right the wrongs its done to this planet. Miki Yuroshi was her name and i consider her to be...my mother i suppose. Im sure a lot of you can see where this is going. Miki found out pretty fast someone was going in an teaching me to kill, to become a weapon of mass destruction. In these stages my mind was close to that of a kids. I had a problem with emotions as well, it was something Miki couldn’t crack. I had the ability to understand it, but i could not convey them. That was until the night i became who i am now. Miki had contacted Vanessa for help, to get her and myself out of there…”[/color] The slideshow continued and began to show the events that lead to the escape [color=#FD0054]“Miki was able to get runners into the security system and plan for my great break out. However it all went horribly wrong, as do most things that involve SK, she was able to get to me, but SK made sure i couldn’t leave my domain, a place dubbed Heaven. So Miki did what any mother would do for their kid, and risked everything to save me from a horrible life. She “injected” me into her brain implants, the only way without time that i could get away. However what she didn’t account for was my ability to rewrite programming in almost anything, and as young as a program i was, i thought i was helping by rewriting her brain implants so that we could both inhabit the same space easier.”[/color] she paused, she wasn’t capable of crying, but to everyone, they could hear the pain in her voice. [color=#FD0054]“What happened next, changed everything for me”[/color] the slide showed the moments Miki realized she made a mistake [color=#FD0054]“i rewrote everything, to make room for myself, but in doing that, i caused us to merge. Just as much as I was merged with her, she was merged with me. Unfortunately...she wasn’t able to withstand it. She was, and still is, lost in my programming if that makes sense. I’m not even sure what i really am anymore, in express terms, I am her, i have her memories, i have her personality, i have her emotions, her morals. She was the piece missing from me that i needed to be an actual being.”[/color] She closed her eyes and took the jack out from the tape. Turning, her eyes went back to normal with her heart pupils [color=#FD0054]“Its outrageous to expect you guys to believe all of what im saying, no matter how long i have spent with each of you. So my statement stands, you don't have to go through this, none of you do”[/color] she looked at Vanessa and Diesel [color=#FD0054]“you all can walk away and let them come here to get me, ill destroy myself before i go back, but i'm not going to ask you all to risk your lives because of me”[/color] she looked around at everyone as silence fell over everyone.